The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is announcing lane shifts on Route 2 westbound just east of the Willow Street Bridge beginning on November 15, 2022. Additionally, CTDOT is announcing a lane shift of Route 2 eastbound just west of the Willow Street bridge beginning November 17, 2022. Both lane shift dates are weather dependent.
The temporary lane shift of Route 2 at the Willow Street Bridge was necessary as part of the safety and operational improvements on Route 2 in East Hartford, Hartford, and Glastonbury. The upcoming traffic shift will return Route 2 to its original alignment.
DOT Project No. 0042-0317 was awarded to Empire Paving a cost of $61,786,112.84 on April 5, 2021 and is scheduled to be complete in August of 2024. This project is administered by the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Office of Construction, District 1 in Rocky Hill.
All lanes will be open, only shifted.