The Connecticut Department of Transportation CTDOT is announcing the application of asphalt rubber chip seal beginning August 4, 2022 on Route 179 in Barkhamsted and Hartland; Route 188 in Seymour, Oxford, and Southbury; and Route 302 in Bethel and Newtown.
The project consists of the preservation of the existing bituminous pavement surface. The project scope involves replacing catch basin tops as needed, crack sealing, patching repairs to the existing pavement, the application of Asphalt Rubber Chip Seal over the existing pavement surface, and finally the installation of new pavement markings within the project limits.
DOT Project No. 0174-0454 was awarded to Comer Contracting, Inc. at a cost of $3,509,939.45 on April 14, 2022, and is scheduled to be completed on October 18, 2022. This project is administered by the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Office of Construction, District 4 in Thomaston.
Construction work that may interfere with normal traffic operations will take place 9 am to 3 pm and 6 pm to 6 am, Monday through Friday and 6 pm to 10 am, Saturday and Sunday. Alternating one-way traffic is to be expected through each work zone.
Asphalt rubber chip seal will begin on Route 302 starting August 4, 2022. Upon completion of Route 302, the work will progress to Route 188 and subsequently, Route 179.