The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a section of Route 140 (Crystal Lake Road) in Ellington will be detoured from Route 30 (Stafford Road) to the intersection of Webster Road, starting June 21, 2021, and ending on August 16, 2021. The detour is necessary to facilitate ongoing construction activities associated with the replacement of Bridge 02668 carrying Route 140, (Crystal Lake Road) over Charters Brook in the Ellington.
- Route 140 (Crystal Lake Road) traffic will be detoured via Route 30 (Stafford Road) to Route 190 (Main Street) to Route 83 (Somers Road).
- Route 140 (Crystal Lake Road) traffic will be detoured via Route 83 (Somers Road) to Route 190 (Main Street) to Route 30 (Stafford Road).
* Access will be provided to local residents from the East and West end of the detour on Route 140 (Crystal Lake Road).
DOT Project No. 0047-0119 was awarded to Gerber Construction Corporation on February 26, 2020, at a cost of $2,396,646.62 and is scheduled to be completed in September 2021. The project consists of bridge rehabilitation and full depth roadway construction on Route 140 over Charters Brook (Bridge 02668) and sightline improvements at Webster Road at the intersection of Route 140, in Ellington.