The Department of Transportation (Department) will conduct a virtual public information meeting concerning the proposed replacement of Bridge 05115 carrying Upland Road over East Aspetuck River, on Thursday, January 28, 2021. The formal presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m. Refer to the project webpage for more detail:
The project is identified as State Project No. 0095-0257.
The purpose of the project is to replace Bridge 05115, which is scour critical and structurally deficient. The existing structure, built in 1978, is a single-span steel beam structure supported by reinforced concrete abutments and wingwalls. The total structure length is 34-feet and the curb-to-curb roadway width is 23.5 feet. The proposed replacement consists of a prestressed concrete deck unit structure supported by new concrete abutments. The proposed structure will have a clear span of 42-feet with a 24-foot curb-to-curb width consisting of two 10-foot travel lanes and 2-foot shoulders.
Temporary and permanent right of way impacts are anticipated for this proposed project. Minor property acquisitions in the form of partial permanent acquisitions may be required for construction and future maintenance of the structure. Temporary construction easement will be required for construction as well as for in-water work downstream of the bridge.
Construction is anticipated to begin in Spring 2022 based on the availability of funding, acquisition of rights of way and approval of permit(s). The estimated construction cost for this project is approximately $1,780,000. This project is anticipated to be undertaken with 80 percent federal funds and 20 percent town funds.
The public informational meeting is being held to provide the public and local community the opportunity to offer comments or ask questions regarding the proposed project. Persons with limited internet access may request that project information is mailed to them by contacting Marc P. Byrnes by email at or by phone at (860) 594-3489. (Allow one week for processing and delivery).
Individuals with limited internet access can listen to the meeting by calling (888) 469-1602 and entering the Participant Code when prompted: 1285654. Persons with hearing and/or speech disabilities may dial 711 for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS). The MS Teams Live Event offers closed-captioning for the hearing impaired and non-English translation options. A recording of the formal presentation will be posted to YouTube following the event and closed-captioning (including non-English translation options) will be available at that time. The recording will also be available in the list of DOT virtual public meetings here:
Visit the project webpage for options for Apple users. During the Q&A session and the 14 day comment period that follows the meeting, individuals may leave a question or comment via email (preferred) at Individuals may also leave a voicemail question or comment by calling (860) 944-1111. Please reference the project in your voicemail.
Language assistance may be requested by contacting the Department’s Language Assistance Call Line (860) 594-2109. Requests should be made at least 5 business days prior to the meeting. Language assistance is provided at no cost to the public and efforts will be made to respond to timely requests for assistance.