Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR)

Welcome to the Construction Manager at Risk web page. This page is dedicated to the CMAR program at CTDOT. Below you will find Recent News and Updates, Project Specific and Programmatic Information. If you do not find the information you are looking for here please see the contact information at the bottom of the page for additional assistance.



Recent News and Updates

05/29/2024 – The description for Project No. 0401-0016 has been updated to include the PLA status and an anticipated RFQ issue date.

04/02/2024 – Project No. 0401-0016 has been added to Upcoming Projects.

09/06/2023 – 
A public bid opening was held on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, for Project No. 0118-0171. The contractor with the apparent best-value proposal was Newfield Construction.

06/15/2023 – The description for Project No. 0118-0171 was updated to note following contractors were shortlisted:

The Whiting-Turner Construction Company
KBE Building Corporation
Newfield Construction
Gilbane Building Company
O&G Industries, Inc.

05/02/2023 – The description for Project No. 0118-0171 was updated to note that the RFP is anticipated to be issued to shortlisted Proposers on May 25, 2023.

04/24/2023 – The description for Project No. 0118-0171 was updated to note that the Project will not include a Project Labor Agreement (PLA).

03/24/2023 – The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for State Project No. 0118-0171 has been advertised on the State of Connecticut Contracting Portal. The RFQ documents are located on the Bid Express® website (


CMAR News Archive



Project Specific Information

Project No. 0401-0016 - CT transit Hartford Roof Replacement & Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Upgrade
The proposed improvements will repair 230,000 SF of the approximate 350,000 SF roof at the CT transit Hartford Building. The existing rooftop HVAC mechanical equipment is beyond its useful life and many parts are not operational due to the age of the equipment and difficulty finding replacement parts. Possible extensive structural repairs are required, the roof has exceeded its useful life including several short-term repairs that are currently leaking. The facility supports 24/7 operations and will therefore require careful staging and swing space for critical administrative functions.

This Project has been targeted for a PLA. A PLA Feasibility Study is currently being completed.

The RFQ is anticipated to be issued on July 25, 2024. 


Current Projects:

Project No. 0118-0171 - Construction of a new District 1 Headquarters, Materials Testing Lab, Signal Lab, and Sign Shop Facility in Rocky Hill

This new multi-purpose facility will be located on the site of the existing Materials Testing Lab at 280 West Street in Rocky Hill, CT. This new approximately 135,000 square foot facility will be occupied by the following operations: District 1 (Construction, Surveys, Maintenance, Human Resources, and Bridge Safety), the Materials Testing Lab, the Signal Lab, and the Sign Shop. The overarching goal for this project is to ensure that the existing Materials Testing Lab and Signal Lab remain functional during the construction of the new facility. Demolition of the existing facility will ensue immediately after the Department accepts and occupies the new building (Substantial Completion). 

This Project will not include a Project Labor Agreement (PLA).

The RFQ was issued on March 24, 2023. On May 18, 2023 CTDOT shortlisted the following contractors:

The Whiting-Turner Construction Company
KBE Building Corporation
Newfield Construction
Gilbane Building Company
O&G Industries, Inc.

The RFP was issued to the shortlisted Proposers on July 7, 2023.

A public bid opening was held on Wednesday, August 16, 2023. The contractor with the apparent best-value proposal was Newfield Construction.\



Past Projects:

Project No. 0301-0124 - New Haven Rail Yard Maintenance of Way Building in New Haven

This CMAR project consisted of removing the former warehouse on 1 Brewery Street and constructing a new facility for use by Metro-North's Maintenance of Way (MOW) workers in the Track, Structures, Power and Communications & Signals Departments as well as parking for both this facility and the Component Change Out Shop. 



Links to General Information:

CT Legislation- Connecticut General Statute 13a-95b and 13a-95c
Contractor Info - CTDOT Contractor information page for contracting, bids, RFPs and more
FHWA Every Day Counts - FHWA Every Day Counts Web Page