Early Childhood

Beginning in early childhood, including early school-based experience, families want opportunities to continue building advocacy skills that they have been learning and practicing since their child’s birth. As young children start to interact more in child care and school settings, families want more exposure to values-based information related to inclusion, self-determination and best practice. A family who has access to training and information is an empowered advocate who can express to others their hopes for the future. This can help ensure that the family member with a disability has the greatest access to experiences that build self-advocacy skills and promotes high expectations.  *Wingspread Report, 2011
Citizenship and Advocacy Social and Spirituality Daily Life Education and Employment
Healthy Living Community Living Safety and Security
Planning for the Future Support for All Family Members Other eligibility Services
DDS Introduction Technology Supports DDS Latest News
Autism DDS Case Management DDS Eligibility
Employment/Day Guardianship DDS Helpline
Respite transportation Waiver Services