Early Childhood - Social and Spirituality

Early Childhood - Home Life
Social and Spirituality
Questions Your Child Will Want You to Ask:  Are you helping me be included with other children in social activities, play dates, and parties? Are you taking me to new places and helping me try new things so I can figure out what I like to do? Are you giving me the opportunity to be a part of children’s groups or activities in our faith community?  Is there a neighborhood carpool we can join to take me places and also help me make connections?  Are you helping me to learn and practice my social skills? Are you helping me find ways to do what other children in the community are doing for fun and recreation? Are you helping me learn and practice how to take turns and play with other children? Are you setting limits on my behavior so I can learn to self regulate and learn to get along with others?

Social Activities
Kidsactivities.net– Fun ideas for all kids.  Www.kidsactivities.net
CT Parks and Rec-places to go and things to do with your child  www.crpa.com
CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection –provides a list of accessible recreation sites in CT http://www.ct.gov/deep/cwp/view.asp?a=2716&q=325078
Creating Friendships
Why Friendships are Important –good article on developing friendships between people with and without disabilities https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/dds/mission/personal_relationships_article.pdf
Friendship Circle Blog -great ideas for helping young children develop friendships http://www.friendshipcircle.org/blog/2011/03/28/12-activities-to-help-your-child-with-social-skills/


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