Early Childhood - Planning for the Future

Early Childhood - Planning for the Future
Planning for the Future
Questions Your Child Will Want You to Ask: Are you helping me learn to communicate my wants and needs to others?  Is there any assistive technology that will assist me to improve my ability to communicate with others?  Do you accept me as a child first , not just a child with a disability?  Do you help me to communicate about  my desires for the future. Would a MAPs, PATH, or other type of futures planning strategy help me to create a more desirable future? Do I get to participate in choice-making at home?  Do you help me try new things?  Do you help me to take reasonable risks?  Am I expected to follow rules like any other child and experiences consequences when I don’t?

Communicating Wants and Needs
Helping Children Express Their Wants and Needs - http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/briefs/wwb19.pdf
Communication Assistive Technology
Communication Hope Through Assistive Technology- http://bbi.syr.edu/projects/chat/index.html
Communication  Desires About the Future
Life Course Planning
Self Determination
Fostering Self-Determination Among Children and Youth with Disabilities– Ideas from PARENTS for PARENTS http://www.waisman.wisc.edu/naturalsupports/pdfs/FosteringSelfDetermination.pdf