Early Childhood - Success Stories

Dillon Beaudin
When Dillon was first born, I already knew that Dillon had an AV Canal Heart Defect.  It was not until after he was a week old that I learned that he also had Down Syndrome.  I will never forget the fears that I had.  Will he be accepted in school?  Will he be given the same opportunities?  Will Dillon be able to overcome his surgeries?  As a new mother, I had absolutely fallen in love with my child and no disability or medical challenge was going to stop that.  It was the unknowns that were so scary.
Dillon had his first Open Heart surgery when he was 2 months old.  It was such a scary time in our life but Dillon showed us how extremely tough & resilient he was.  Six days after his surgery, after the many ups and downs, Dillon came home and began to thrive.
Throughout Dillon’s toddler years, he had several other medical challenges and was extremely delayed.  However, after he had shown me how tough he was during his 1st Open Heart Surgery, I knew that, in his own time, he was going to do just as great and accomplish everything that any typical child could.  Dillon had numerous hospitalizations, procedures; Gastric Feeding Tube placed and even a 2ND Open Heart Surgery when he was 4yrs old.  Throughout those years and to this day, everyone that knows him is touched by his resilience.
Earlier this year, Dillon was also diagnosed with Autism.  A diagnosis that many didn’t think was possible because of how happy & loving he is.  Dillon, to this day, remains to be inspiring and is so extremely treasured by all of his peers.  He is very well accepted in our Public School System and does everything that any child can do.  The opportunities for him are endless!   I’m so extremely proud of Dillon for the lessons that he continues to teach me & others.  He’s a complete joy to anyone that knows him and I am so very thankful to be his Mom.
Picture of DillonPicture of DillonPicture of Dillon