DAS Procurement Vendor List Myth


The State Contracting Portal, CTsource, is a single Internet website that hosts all contracting opportunities by Connecticut state agencies.  


The Myth

A business must be on 'the list' to do business with the State.

The Facts

  • There is no list.  Agencies sometimes refer to vendors on contract as being on an “approved vendor list” because agencies are required to make purchases from vendors on current state contracts.
  • Companies must participate in the competitive solicitation process and be awarded a state contract to sell to the state.
  • Once a company has submitted a bid or a proposal in response to a solicitation found on CTsource and has been awarded a state contract, the company can sell the specified goods or services to state agencies throughout the term of the contract.
  • Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are awarded to the most advantageous proposer based on evaluation criteria contained within the RFP.
  • Bids are awarded to the lowest, qualified and responsible bidder.