DAS and OPM - Waivers of the Bid Process
Connecticut General Statute Section 4a-58(b) requires that the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) post a listing of all contracts that were entered into as a result of a waiver of the competitive bid process, see DAS Standardization Transaction List .
To access contract information listed on the DAS Standardization Transaction List, visit the CTsource Contract Board website.
- To search for a contract, enter the contract number from the DAS Standardization Transaction List into the “Search” field. Click on the contract title to display a contract summary page; the executed contract is available under “Attachments” at the bottom of the page.
CT Public Act 19-117 Section 103(a) requires the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) post a listing of all contracts entered into as a result of a waiver of the competitive bid process. Search this listing
As of 10/01/22, there is a requirement to post a listing of all purchases not supported by competitive bidding or negotiation. Search this listing