DAS Procurement Contracting: An Overview


The Department of Administrative Services/Procurement Division (DAS) is charged with the purchasing, leasing, and contracting for products and services for State of Connecticut executive branch agencies, including information system and telecommunication system facilities, equipment and services.

  1. In September of 2020, the DAS Procurement Division moved its online contracting activities from BizNet to CTsource, the online State Contracting Portal for the State of CT, which is used for all sourcing activities within DAS.

  2. For companies looking to do business with the State, this system is the tool to find business opportunities. All competitive solicitations are advertised and administered through the system, and active and expired state contracts can also be found through the system’s search mechanism. When interested in responding to a solicitation, CTsource is the online tool used to submit the bid or proposal.

Other Connecticut executive branch agencies, some Connecticut towns, cities, and certain non-profits also have the ability to post their procurement needs on CTsource, making this a one-stop shopping experience for most Connecticut opportunities.