(HARTFORD) - The State of Connecticut, represented by the Department of Administrative Services (DAS), is soliciting proposals (RFP 21PSX0089) from national consultants to conduct an equity analysis of executive branch agencies’ programs and services.
The primary goal of this Equity Study is to provide DAS, the Office of Policy and Management (OPM), and the CT Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) with a comprehensive report evaluating key state programs and policies by conducting a program-by-program review, as defined by agency heads, of demographics and outcomes to:
- Identify any patterns of discrimination, inequality or disparities in the outcome; and
- Make recommendations to remedy such disparities of outcome and to avoid the continued reinforcement or perpetuation of any such patterns of discrimination, inequality and (intentional and unintentional) disparities in outcome for any protected class.
Additionally, the study will gather relevant input and data and establish appropriate benchmarks and strategies to reduce disparities and increase the accessibility of government services and programs for members of such underserved communities.
The results of this study should inform a myriad of state policy decisions. It should provide actionable insights on how state services can be improved, simplified, and made more navigable and accessible to all residents, with an eye toward avoiding barriers that may deter residents from seeking available resources and supports. It should address both specific equity issues that may be unique to a single agency, and broad, cross-cutting equity concerns, such as data collection, form design, and digital access, that can impact services delivered by all executive branch agencies.
Those interested in participating must submit proposals to the state by November 19, 2021.
The legislative basis for this study and RFP has been established by Section 81 of Public Act No. 21-2.