Office of State Fire Marshal
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Special Hazards in the Fire Prevention Code
The Special Hazards Unit enforces the Fire Prevention Code and renders decisions on variations and exemptions or approved equivalent or alternative compliance.
Apply for a Crane Operator License, Registration, Renewal and Re-Testing
To operate a crane or hoisting equipment in the state of Connecticut, you must hold a valid operator license.
Apply for a CT Demolition License
Businesses that engage in demolition operations are required to obtain a license pursuant to C. G. S. Chapter 541 Sections 29-401 through 29-403
Apply for a CT Hoisting Equipment Operator License
A Connecticut Hoisting Equipment Operator License is required to operate hoisting equipment
CT Fire Safety and Prevention Codes
Connecticut’s State Fire Prevention Code and State Fire Safety Code are administered by the State Fire Marshal in conjunction with an advisory committee and the Codes and Standards Committee, respectively.
Examining Board for Crane Operators
The Examining Board for Crane Operators, established pursuant to C.G.S. 29-222 assists the Commissioner with specifying qualifications for applicants for licensure, requirements for examinations, procedures for issuance and renewal of licenses and certificates of registration, and examination and application fees. The Board administers and established passing grades for licensure examinations.
Fire Prevention Code Advisory Committee
The Office of State Fire Marshal is announcing its intent to adopt the 2018 Connecticut State Fire Prevention Code based on the 2015 edition of NFPA 1 - Fire Code. Technical review will be conducted by the Fire Prevention Code Advisory Committee in conjunction with the State Fire Marshal.