2022 SBC & SFSC Code Change Proposals
The following Code Change Proposals were received between April 1, 2021 and May 31, 2021:- 22-001: SBC Carol Amore - Gutter Resiliency
- 22-002: SBC Jim Carroll Roof Underlayment
- 22-003: FSC Anthony Fino - Abandoned Wiring
- 22-004: SBC Roger Stolting - PEX Piping
- 22-005: SBC James Quish - Reference 9 Year Rule In Code
- 22-006: SBC James Quish - Reference Concrete Documentation In Code
- 22-007: FSC Joseph Versteeg - Fire Apparatus Access Roads
- 22-008: SBC Kerry Sutton Special Inspections 1 / Additional Letter of Support
- 22-009: SBC Kerry Sutton ACI 562-19 Reference / Additional Letter of Support
- 22-010: SBC Kerry Sutton Special Inspections 2
- 22-011: SBC Johnny Carrier - Roof Tape
- 22-012: SBC Johnny Carrier - Habitable Basement Egress Opening
- 22-013: SBC Johnny Carrier - Restrict GFCI Protection
- 22-014: FSC Scott Lang - Battery Thermal Runaway Footnote
- 22-015: FSC Scott Lang - Radiant Energy Sensing Detection
- 22-016: FSC Scott Lang - Exhaust Ventilation For Batteries
- 22-017: FSC Scott Lang - Gas Detection for Batteries
- 22-018: FSC Scott Lang - Hazard Mitigation Analysis for Batteries
- 22-019: SBC Jeff Perras - Actual Occupant Loads for Plumbing
- 22-020: SBC Eric Lacey - Eliminate State Energy Amendments
- 22-021: SBC Mary Koban - Remove Reference to ANCE
- 22-022: SBC Mary Koban - Remove Reference to ANCE
- 22-023: SBC Mary Koban - Remove Reference to ANCE
- 22-024: SBC Mary Koban - Remove Reference to ANCE
- 22-025: SBC Mary Koban - Update Referenced Standard Editions
- 22-026: SBC Mary Koban - Update Referenced Standard Editions
- 22-027: SBC Bob Weidenmann - Use 2018 IRC Insulation Values
- 22-028: SBC Robert Kelly - IAPMO's Peak Water Demand Calculator IRC
- 22-029: SBC Robert Kelly - IAPMO's Peak Water Demand Calculator IPC
- 22-030: SBC Thomas DiBlasi - Metal Buildings Special Inspections
- 22-031: SBC Thomas DiBlasi - Snow load on adjacent building IEBC
- 22-032: SBC Thomas DiBlasi - Snow load on adjacent building IBC
- 22-033: SBC SFSC Jeff Perras - Reduced Egress Width With Sprinklers
- 22-034: SBC SFSC Jeff Perras - Two Story Exit Access Stair
- 22-035: SBC Robert Glass - GFCI on Outdoor Circuits
- 22-036: SBC Mary Koban - GFCI on Outdoor Circuits
- 22-037: SBC David DeLeeuw - Reference 9 Year Rule in Code