Project 0173-0528 Webpage
Welcome to the webpage for Signing and Pavement Marking Improvements to Various Southwest Connecticut Intersections.
A virtual public informational meeting for the project will be held on Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 6:00 pm.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide the community with an opportunity to learn about the proposed project and allow an open discussion of any views and comments concerning the proposed improvements. A Q&A session will immediately follow the presentation.
The purpose of this project is to implement signing and pavement marking improvements at unsignalized municipally owned and maintained intersections as needed to improve compliance and visibility.
This project will replace existing stop signs, approximately 50 feet of double yellow pavement marking and stop bars as well as introduce oversized stop signs, stop ahead and intersection ahead warning signs in accordance with the latest standards. This systemic application of low-cost proven safety countermeasures at higher crash-risk, stop-controlled intersections aim to lower the potential of future crashes.
Approximately 330 intersections in District 3 have been identified by the CTDOT that will benefit from the enhanced signing and pavement marking improvements. District 3 encompasses most of New Haven County and the southwestern part of Fairfield County.
Right-of-way impacts are not associated with the proposed project.
Construction is anticipated to begin in spring 2026. The estimated construction cost for this project is approximately $4.33 million. This project is anticipated to be undertaken with 100% federal funds.
The project documents can be viewed below:
Please register for the meeting here.
After registering, you'll receive a confirmation email with the meeting access link.
Comments and questions can be submitted during the two-week public comment period after the meeting by Thursday, January 2, 2025, to:
- or (860) 594-2755
- (860) 594-2020
Please reference State Project No. 0173-0528 in the email or voicemail.
Individuals with limited internet access can listen to the meeting by calling (877) 853-5257 and enter Meeting ID 856 8891 7555. Individuals with hearing and/or speech disabilities may dial 711 for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS). Individuals with limited internet access may also request that project information be mailed to them within one week by contacting or (860) 594-2755.
Language assistance may be requested by contacting the CTDOT Language Assistance Call Line (860) 594-2109. Requests should be made at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting. Language assistance is provided at no cost to the public and efforts will be made to respond to timely requests for assistance.
This meeting will also be livestreamed on the CTDOT YouTube channel; no registration is required. Non-English language closed captioning will be available on Zoom and YouTube. The recording will also be posted immediately following the meeting in the list of CTDOT virtual public meetings
Additional Information for Public
Voluntary Feedback Survey - After the meeting, we hope you’ll take a few extra minutes to fill out our brief survey.