CTDOT Proposed Bus and Rail Service and Fare Changes
The 2025 Proposed Bus Service Changes can be found here
2023 Proposed Bus and Rail Service and Fare Changes
The official public comment period for this Service and Fare Equity (SAFE) analysis closed on October 6, 2023 at 11:59 pm. The finalization and approval of the SAFE was announced on October 20, 2023. All proposed changes were approved as proposed with the exception of a revised Shore Line East schedule.
Approved Service and Fare Equity Analysis
DOT Commissioner Eucalitto Approval
On October 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2023, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) held in-person and virtual public hearings on proposed rail service changes, proposed rail fare increases and proposed bus service changes to 13 different CTtransit/CTfastrak routes, including three new bus routes. Public comments were accepted through October 6, 2023.
The Service and Fare Equity (SAFE) analysis includes one proposed new route in the CTtransit Hartford Division, two new proposed new routes in the CTtransit New Haven Division and proposed improvements to service frequencies on two CTfastrak routes.
- CTfastrak Route 125 Hartford-Berlin Turnpike – a proposed new bus route that would operate between Hartford and the Berlin Turnpike
- CTtransit Route 216 Northford/Wallingford/Meriden – a proposed new bus route that would operate between New Haven and Meriden
- CTtransit Route 262 Orange Business District – a proposed new bus route that would operate between New Haven and Milford
- CTfastrak Route 144 Wethersfield/Westfarms – improve weekday headways from 60 minutes to 40 minutes
- CTfastrak Route 153 Elmwood/Copaco – improve weekday headways from 60 minutes to 40 minutes. Reroute via Albany Ave and Bloomfield Ave to restore service to UHART campus
Additional changes are being proposed to eight routes in the CTtransit Hartford Division to better align with ridership demand and promote efficiency. The types of proposed service changes on these eight routes include decreased service frequency, route restructuring, and route elimination with replacement service.
- Transition the DASH free shuttle from a Monday through Friday service schedule to a Thursday through Sunday service schedule (8am-10pm).
- CTtransit Route 45X Berlin Flyer – it is proposed to discontinue this route and replace with new CTfastrak route 125.
- CTtransit Route 47B Berlin Turnpike – it is proposed to discontinue this branch. Replace service on Prospect Street in Wethersfield with route 61. Service on the Berlin Turnpike would be replaced with proposed CTfastrak route 125.
- CTtransit Route 69 Capital Avenue – service rerouted and would terminate at Newington VA hospital. Service to Willard Avenue and Berlin Turnpike would be replaced with proposed CTfastrak route 125.
- CTtransit Route 907 Newington Express – it is proposed to discontinue service. Service would be replaced with the proposed CTfastrak route 125 between Newington Park & Ride and downtown Hartford on weekdays.
- CTtransit Route 923 Bristol Express – it is proposed to discontinue this service. CTfastrak route 102 provides similar geographic coverage.
- CTfastrak Route 102 Hartford/New Britain/Bristol – reroute all trips to establish two-way service to Forestville Commons. No change to current level of service.
- CTfastrak Route 140 CCSU connector – it is proposed to discontinue this route due to low utilization. Alternate services linking CCSU campus and multiple CTfastrak stations include routes 128, 144, and 507.
Rail service changes are being proposed to reflect post COVID-19 weekday ridership levels and travel patterns. Additionally, rail fare changes are being proposed.
- Decreased Monday through Thursday service on the New Haven Line from 239 to 237 trains
- Decreased Friday service on the New Haven Line from 241 trains to 233 trains
- Decreased weekday service on the New Canaan Line from 41 trains to 39 trains
- Decreased weekday service on the Danbury Line from 28 trains to 26 trains
- Decreased weekday and weekend service on Shore Line East from 23 trains to 16 trains
- An increase for Metro-North fares in Connecticut, Shore Line East fares, and Hartford Line fares, excluding monthly school passes.
At these hearings, CTDOT provided information and accepted public comments on the service and fare proposals and the SAFE analysis. The SAFE analysis evaluates the proposed changes to determine if they will cause a disparate impact to minority persons or a disproportionate burden to people with low incomes, as defined by the FTA Title VI circular. The 2023 SAFE analysis also includes analysis regarding the re-institution of bus fares on April 1, 2023, following an approximate 12-month period of free fares.
The public comment period will ran from September 18 to October 6, 2023. A news release announcing the proposed rail and bus changes and public hearings was issued by CTDOT on September 18, 2023.
Additional bus service changes are occurring in central Connecticut that are not subject to these hearings. For more information about changes coming in Fall, 2023 please visit CTtransit.com.
The state budget included significant investments for additional bus service improvements across the state, such as new Sunday service in Meriden. Those changes do not meet the threshold for a service equity analysis and thus not included but can found by clicking on this link.
Hearing Details
Hearings were conducted in person in the City of Hartford and City of New Haven, and virtually using Zoom’s online platform and toll-free conference call feature. Recordings of the hearings are available below.
The draft SAFE analysis is linked below in the Resources section. To request a copy of the SAFE analysis by mail, please email us at dot.proposedtransitchanges@ct.gov or by leaving a voicemail at (860)-594-3612. Please allow one week for processing and delivery.
Hearing Presentation/Recording |
Monday, October 2, 2023 |
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm (open house) 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm |
Kennedy Mitchell Hall of Records |
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 |
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm (open house) 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm |
Capitol Region Council of Governments 3rd Floor Board Room |
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 | 11:00 am to 1:00 pm |
Zoom Virtual Hearing |
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 | 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm |
Zoom Virtual Hearing |
Hearing Recording |
For general questions please email us at dot.proposedtransitchanges@ct.gov or call (860)-594-3612.
SAFE Documents:
Draft Service and Fare Equity Analysis
Notice of Public Hearing / Aviso de Audiencias Públicas
Service and Fare Equity (SAFE) Analysis Executive Summary / Resumen Ejecutivo del Análisis de Equidad de Tarifas y Servicios
Service and Fare Equity Analysis Presentation (pdf)
Service and Fare Equity Analysis Presentation (video link)
Proposed Rail Service Changes
- Summary of Proposed New Haven Line, New Canaan Line and Danbury Line Service Changes
- Proposed Rail Service Schedule - New Haven Line and New Canaan Line
- Proposed Rail Service Schedule - Danbury Line
- Proposed Rail Service Schedule - Shore Line East
Summary of Proposed Rail Fare Changes
- Proposed Metro-North Fare Tables
- Proposed Shore Line East Fare Tables
- Proposed Hartford Line Fare Tables
Summary of Proposed Bus Service Changes / Cambios propuestos para el servicio de autobús
- Proposed CTtransit Route 69 Schedule
- Proposed CTfastrak Route 102 Schedule
- Proposed CTfastrak Route 125 Schedule
- Proposed CTfastrak Route 144 Schedule
- Proposed CTfastrak Route 153 Schedule
- Proposed CTtransit Route 216 Schedule
- Proposed CTtransit Route 262 Schedule
Este es un aviso de audiencias públicas sobre cambios propuestos de tarifas y servicios para los sistemas de autobuses y trenes. Si necesita ayuda con el idioma, comuníquese con el Departamento de Transporte al (860) 594-2109.
这是关于公共汽车和铁路系统建议票价和服务变化的公开听证会的通知。如果您需要语言帮助,请致电 (860) 594-2109 联系运输局 (Department of Transportation)。
Sa a se yon avi konsènan odyans piblik sou chanjman nan tari ak sèvi sou sistèm otobis ak chemennfè a. Si ou bezwen asistans ak lang, tanpri kontakte Depatman Transpò a nan (860) 594-2109.
Niniejszym informujemy o publicznych przesłuchaniach dotyczących proponowanych zmian taryf i usług oferowanych w ramach systemów autobusowych i kolejowych. Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy językowej, skontaktuj się z Departamentem Transportu pod numerem (860) 594-2109.
Đây là thông báo về những cuộc điều trần về giá vé được đề xuất và những thay đổi trong dịch vụ đối với xe buýt và các tuyến đường sắt. Nếu quý vị yêu cần dịch vụ ngôn ngữ, vui lòng liên hệ Sở Giao thông tại số (860) 594-2109.
Esta é uma notificação de audiência pública sobre tarifa proposta e mudanças de serviço para sistemas de ônibus e ferroviários. Se você precisar de ajuda com o idioma, entre em contato com o do Departamento de Transporte por meio de (860) 594-2109.