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Battery Electric Bus (BEB) Initiative

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), in partnership with all the transit agencies across Connecticut, is leading a statewide Battery Electric Bus (BEB) initiative that aims to provide a safe, reliable, sustainable, and clean energy transit system for Connecticut. Transitioning the statewide bus fleet from older diesel model buses to newer zero-emission buses reduces greenhouse gas emissions and harmful air pollution, positively impacting communities around the State. In addition to having zero emissions, these state-of-the-art BEBs are quieter, provide a smoother ride, and have additional amenities that improve the rider experience.

The CTDOT statewide BEB initiative implements carbon reduction solutions to meet State legislative mandates and executive orders and supports the State’s goal for transitioning all buses in Connecticut to 100% BEB by 2035. To get there over the next decade, CTDOT is prioritizing BEB investments that focus on both piloting and scaling upgrades to each of the transit facilities and transit fleets across the State.

Below is a high-level summary of the various CTDOT BEB projects, including the initial statewide BEB procurement, fast charging equipment and upgrades, and BEB updates for each of the CTtransit Divisions in Hartford, New Haven, and Stamford.

Statewide BEB Procurement 

CTDOT is currently in possession of sixty-one (61) Battery Electric Buses, Fifty-five (55) of which are operating out of the four CTtransit divisions. The additional six (6) BEBs are being piloted other transit Districts. Two (2) at Milford Transit District, two (2) at River Valley Transit, and two (2) at Windham Regional Transit District. The Original Equipment Manufacturer New Flyer and the CTDOT entered into a new Electric Bus contract in December 2023 that would allow the purchase of up to 142 more BEBs though another competitive procurement. 

Fast Charging Equipment and Upgrades 

Initial DC fast-charging equipment at all three divisions of CTtransit (Hartford, New Haven, Stamford) have been supplied. On-going infrastructure upgrades at these facilities includes new electrical switchgear to accommodate increased electrical loads, upgrades to existing fire suppression equipment in addition to other changes to the existing building systems. Details regarding the BEB upgrades to each of the CTtransit Divisions are summarized below.  

CTtransit Hartford Division 

The CTtransit Hartford Division facility is located at 100 Liebert Road in Hartford. This Division encompasses the largest fixed-route bus operation in the state, serving the greater Hartford area, running 273 fixed route buses comprised of 30-foot, 40-foot, and 60-foot diesel and diesel-hybrid buses. Electrification for the entire facility will be a large undertaking considering the age of the facility, the power upgrades needed off-site, as well as the need to maintain operations during a major construction project.  

To date, CTDOT has begun a pilot electrification program at this division that capitalizes on available power from the street and retrofit the existing 6-bus free-standing building in the rear of the property. As of June 2024, this free-standing bus building has six (6) fully operational ABB 150kW chargers installed and commissioned as well as an updated communication and fire suppression system. This is in addition to the two (2) 150 kW ABB chargers that are already installed and commissioned on-site.  totaling out to 8 chargers at this division. CTDOT is currently operating eight (8) BEBs out of this division with an additional 8 anticipated for quarter 3 of 2025.

CTtransit New Haven Division 

The CTtransit New Haven Division facility is located at 2061 State Street in Hamden. This Division is the second largest fixed-route bus operation in Connecticut, serving the greater New Haven area, running 131 buses comprised of 35-foot, 40-foot and 60-foot buses, which currently includes mostly diesel and several BEBs. The New Haven Division facility was one of the State’s first facilities to undergo upgrades for electrification due to it being a newer facility (2010), having additional capacity on-site, and having a fleet replacement schedule that aligned with the initial statewide BEB procurement.  

The New Haven Division completed facility upgrades to date include the installation of ten (10) 150kW plug-in chargers, fire suppression upgrades in the charging lanes and surrounding lanes, and a newly installed fire pump to provide the necessary pressure for the fire suppression system.

CTtransit Stamford Division 

The CTtransit Stamford Division facility is located at 26 Elm Court in Stamford. This Division operates 55 diesel buses ranging from 40-foot to 60-foot and 4 BEBs. Although the smallest CTtransit operation, the Stamford Division will be the first CTtransit facility ready for an all BEB fleet. CTDOT has completed a pilot upgrade that includes the installation of five (5) 150KW plug-in chargers in the existing bus storage building, as well as a fire pump with back-up generator, and fire suppression upgrades. CTDOT is currently operating Thirteen (13) BEBs out of this division.

Simultaneous to the electrification of the existing bus storage building, CTDOT is designing a free-standing 11-BEB building on-site for an indoor storage and charging capacity. The addition of this building will allow for 100% of the fleet to be stored and charged indoors. Design is scheduled to be complete by the end of 2024, with construction complete end of 2026. The facility will be outfitted with all necessary fire suppression upgrades, as well as eleven (11) pantograph dispensers.

CTtransit Waterbury Division 

The CTtransit Waterbury division is located at 761 Frost Bridge Road in Watertown. This Division serves the Greater Waterbury, Meriden and Wallingford areas in both fixed route and paratransit operations. The fixed route is running 44 fixed route buses comprised of 35- and 40-foot diesel, diesel-hybrid and 2 BEB’s. The Waterbury division’s facility is the newest in the State being commissioned in November 2018.

In 2024, CTDOT worked with the facility staff and a consultant to identify enough capacity in the existing electrical equipment to feed two 50 kW mobile BEB chargers.  NET facility staff completed the necessary electrical work to get those chargers operational.  A project to install charging infrastructure for an additional nine BEBs is expected to be complete by early 2026.  Two additional design phases are underway, which will result in:  1.) additional charging infrastructure for ten more BEBs along with upgraded fire protection for the facility; 2.) necessary infrastructure design to bring the facility to 100% fleet electrification. CTDOT is currently operating two (2) BEBs out of this division.

River Valley Transit

River Valley Transit (RVT), located at 91 North Main Street, in Middletown, is a transit agency operated by the Estuary Transit District. RVT provides a variety of public transportation resources and serves 16 municipalities throughout Middlesex County and parts of New London County. RVT offers fixed route, demand response and on-demand services operated out of two garages.  The fleet of 46 vehicles is composed of 30- and 35-foot transit buses as well as 22- and 24-foot body-on-chassis buses.

In 2024, CTDOT worked with RVT staff and Eversource to develop a 2 BEB pilot.  RVT contracted the construction for necessary electrical and civil upgrades to the site and completed the installation of two 50 kW mobile BEB chargers. CTDOT transferred two (2) BEBs to RVT to be operated out of this facility.

Milford Transit District

The Milford Transit District (MTD) located at 259 Research Drive in Milford, is an independent public transportation agency that provides service throughout the City of Milford and to points in Greater New Haven and Greater Bridgeport. MTD operates four fixed routes: three local routes and one regional route known as the Coastal Link. The Coastal Link is an inter-district service provided by MTD along with Greater Bridgeport TD and Norwalk TD. MTD operates and maintains all fixed route and paratransit services out of a single maintenance and administrative facility at

In 2024, CTDOT worked with MTD facility staff to develop a 2 BEB pilot.  MTD contracted the design and construction for necessary electrical and civil upgrades to the site and completed the installation of two 50 kW mobile BEB chargers. CTDOT transferred two (2) BEBs to MTD to be operated out of this facility.

Windham Regional Transit District

Windham Region Transit District (WRTD) is located at 28 South Frontage Road, Mansfield Center. WRTD is a regional transportation provider that serves the towns of Ashford, Columbia, Coventry, Mansfield, Windham, Chaplin, Lebanon, Scotland, and Willington. WRTD offers a range of transportation services, including Fixed-Route, Dial-A-Ride, ADA Paratransit, UConn Husky Go and Accessible Van Service.

In 2024, CTDOT worked with WRTD staff and Eversource to develop a 2 BEB pilot.  CTDOT worked with a design consultant and WRTD contracted the construction for necessary electrical and civil upgrades to the site.  Construction began in early 2025 and is expected to be complete in the spring. Once completed, CTDOT will place two (2) BEBs at this agency that will serve the University of Connecticut Storrs Campus under the HuskyGo brand.


For more background information about electric buses in Connecticut, visit CTDOT's Electric Bus Basics page.
