Norwalk Transportation Management Plan State Project DOT01020336PE

The Norwalk Transportation Management Plan was undertaken by the City of Norwalk, specifically its Department of Public Works (DPW), in cooperation with the South Western Regional Planning Agency (SWRPA) and the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT). The study was funded utilizing federal Surface Transportation Program funds from the Bridgeport-Stamford urbanized area with local matching funds.

The Plan was intended to provide guidance and direction for the City and provide templates for transportation resources that are planned, designed, and constructed; all with the ultimate goals of:

The purpose of the Transportation Management Plan was twofold:
  • First, to provide designers and decision-makers with a framework for incorporating into the design of transportation facilities multi-modal elements and context sensitive design practices.  The emphasis is to ensure that investments in transportation infrastructure encourages projects that consider the local context while meeting the needs of the city and the people that they serve.
  • Second, to identify specific intersections, corridors, and actions within the city that are in need of  correction or adjustment.  The emphasis is not so much about minor or isolated actions,  but broader adjustments that would benefit the transportation system throughout the city or address well documented barriers to growth and improvement within the City.
Plan materials can be downloaded in PDF from the following links:


