Cost Estimating - AASHTOWare Project Estimation & Estimator®


Cost Estimating

The Cost Estimating group is part of the Project Administration unit.  The functions of  the Cost Estimating unit is to provide cost estimating guidance and to prepare the Engineer’s Estimates and bid analyses for Department-administered construction contracts.  The Cost Estimating group also provides as-needed assistance on the application of AASHTOWare Project Estimation and Estimator® software.
The Cost estimating Guidelines provide an overview and general guidance on preparing estimates for Department projects during project development and design.  The guidelines are applied in conjunction with the estimating software "Estimator®" 
For questions regarding Cost Estimating please contact Mark Stopper.


AASHTOWare Project Estimation

The AASHTOWare Project (AWP) Estimation module is a web-based cradle-to-grave estimation application designed to deliver accurate, reliable estimates. This module is an integral part of the web-based AASHTOWare Project™ software suite. The flexibility and data access provided by web-based software allow for additional features that increase the accuracy of estimates.  The AASHTOWare Project Estimation module creates a well-defined audit trail, allowing CTDOT to carefully monitor scope and budget over the entire lifespan of a highway improvement.  A single point of entry for all cost estimates promotes a streamlined workflow for the cost estimate, eliminating the need for internal hand-offs that can lead to inconsistencies and scope creep. 


Beginning January 2025 we will be begin self paced Estimation training for all internal CTDOT designers.  Users can download the guide, access the Development sandbox server and mini assignment to become familiar and comfortable with software. See the Training Documents, Guides and Sandbox Server Access header below.  More thorough hands on virtual training will be scheduled in February and March 2025 to prepare users for the full Estimation rollout sometime before July 2025.  Please contact for more information, new AASHTOWare Project credentials or password resets.

Training Documents, Guides and Sandbox Server Access

DEV Sandbox Server

Mini Training Assignment

Project and Cost Estimate Creation Guide (12/03/2024)

Find Bid Data Research (01/22/2024)

Item Bid History


Step by Step Project and Cost Estimate Generation Training Videos

Project Creation in AWP

Project County and Districts

Project Points

Project Bridge Segments

Cost Estimate Generation

Cost Estimate Categories

Cost Estimate Items

Common Lump Sum Items

Non-Contract Items

Minor Item Allowances




Google Earth Web and Project Points


Bid Based Item Price History Research Training Videos

Item Bid History

Find Bid Data



Estimator is an interactive, PC based, stand-alone cost estimation system for highway construction.   The Connecticut Department of Transportation has adopted Estimator for use in preparing construction cost estimates.  All Final Design Plan (FDP) cost estimates must be submitted to SharePoint , in digital Estimator format, as indicated by the  Digital Project Development Manual and outlined in the Trns•port  Estimator CTDOT Users Guide

Estimator can be installed stand-alone or in a networked environment with managed user access (within your firm).  Either installation model will use ConnDOT’s Estimator catalogs.  Estimator is a proprietary software product of InfoTech Inc.


  • New Items - Occasionally, an item needed for a construction contract is not included in the Estimator catalog.  When a bid item not included in the Estimator catalog is needed for a project, the designer should submit a  New Item Request. This request needs to be submitted at least six weeks prior to the Final Design Plans (FDP) due date.
  • Other Information - Sign up for E-alerts! To get notification of  Estimator catalog updates by e-mail, go to the Home page and select the “Receive Updates by E-Mail Sign – Up for E-alerts” link.  After logging in, select Engineering Applications and subscribe.
Guides & Workflows

Estimator CTDOT Users Guide Version 2.13a-1 April 2016 With Supplements for Estimator Version 2.15a

Generic Estimator Training Guide Version 2.13a - 08/12/15

Generic Estimator User's Guide   Version 2.13a - 08/12/15

System Manager's Guide Version 2.12a

Resources & Tools

Highway Log

Estimator Templates (zip file) 10/17/2012

Sample Estimator Spreadsheet   10/01/2013

Estimator Checklist 05/19/2021 Required with FDP estimate submittal.

New Item Request Must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to FDP


Estimator Training for Consultants August 2015

Estimator Training for CTDOT Personnel August 2015

Consultant Resources
Consultant Catalogs (not required for internal users)  
(zipped xml files revised and updated 12/03/2024) 
Estimator Catalog updates available on or about 1st Wednesday of every month.  Sign up for E-Alerts to get notified
Note: The English five year catalog is now available for reference, only to investigate prices on English items that do not have a sufficient three year bid history. Also available, for reference, are the English one year and English six month catalog.  These catalogs allow users to investigate prices related to the recent rise in inflation and global commodity supply chain issues.  Do not use "REF_ONLY" catalogs to obtain prices for the entire estimate!

The Metric five year catalog (MET5YR) has been removed as of July 6, 2022.  It is recommended that if users have a metric project that they convert to English units, obtain an estimate using the ENG3yr catalog, and convert back to metric units/prices
(updated links June 2022)
( zipped xml files updated 12/12/2013)
General and product ordering information
Requests for information regarding the use of Estimator for Connecticut DOT projects should be directed to the Estimator® administration team.

Link to Contract Development Webpage