Workers Comp
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Core-CT Processing Aids and How to Process a Workers' Compensation Claim
The State of Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Program requires that each agency discharge claim processing functions within the Core-CT application.
State of Connecticut Workers' Compensation Safety and Health Committees
The purpose of C.G.S. Section 31-40v is to specify rules for establishing and administering committees which will bring employers and employees together in a non-adversarial, cooperative and effective effort to promote safety and health at each work site.
Locate a Doctor, Hospital, or Pharmacy in the Workers' Compensation Network
The State of Connecticut utilizes an approved managed care program for the delivery of medical services for injured State employees.
Core-CT Processing Aids and How to Process a Workers' Compensation Claim
The State of Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Program requires that each agency discharge claim processing functions within the Core-CT application.
Workers' Compensation Agency Liaison Contacts
Agency Liaisons for workers’ compensation are listed by agency and/or location
Locate a Doctor, Hospital, or Pharmacy in the Workers' Compensation Network
The State of Connecticut utilizes an approved managed care program for the delivery of medical services for injured State employees.
Statewide Workers' Compensation Memoranda
DAS Workers' Compensation periodically distributes statewide memoranda on a variety of workers’ compensation topics.
Workers' Compensation Selective Duty Program
The Department of Administrative Services established a Workers’ Compensation selective duty program in 1989 for state employees who are members of either the NP6 (para-professional) or the P1 (professional) health care bargaining units. It is a provision of the labor contracts originally negotiated between the New England Health Care Employee’s Union, District 1199 and the State, and has been in effect since.
Workers' Compensation Less Arduous Duty Process
C.G.S. Chapter 67, section 5-244 states: “When an employee has become physically or mentally incapable of, or unfit for, the efficient performance of the duties of his position, by reason of infirmities due to advanced age or other disability, the appointing authority shall recommend to the Commissioner of Administrative Services that the employee be transferred to less arduous duties or separated from state service in good standing.”
Workers' Compensation Return to Work Program
Work-related injury/illnesses that prevent an employee from working his/her regular duty are the costliest to both the injured worker and our organization.
Workers' Compensation Rights, Responsibilities, and Claims
The State of Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Program is centrally administered through the Department of Administrative Services
Master Insurance Program Housing Authority
The Department of Administrative Services Master Insurance Program offers all Housing Authorities across Connecticut the opportunity to obtain required insurance coverage through a sole source.
Report Workers' Compensation Fraud
The Department of Administrative Services through Gallagher Bassett Services (Third Party Administrator) Special Investigation Unit maintains a Fraud Hotline to report potential workers’ compensation fraud by state employees.
State of Connecticut Workers' Compensation Safety and Health Committees
The purpose of C.G.S. Section 31-40v is to specify rules for establishing and administering committees which will bring employers and employees together in a non-adversarial, cooperative and effective effort to promote safety and health at each work site.