Fire Official Exam Schedules, Applications, Study Materials, and Testing Policies
The Office of Education and Data Management (OEDM) administers all aspects of the credentialing exams for the Office of State Fire Marshal. To become certified as a Fire Code Inspector, you must pass a written exam. To become certified as a Fire Investigator, you must pass a written exam and a practical exam. Once you have passed the written Fire Investigator challenge exam, you will be eligible to take the practical evaluation. Written challenge exams are offered four times a year (Quarterly Exams); practical exams are scheduled in April and November.Because the written Fire Code Inspector exam is five hours long and the written Fire Investigator exam is four hours long, you can only take one challenge exam per quarter. The practical Fire Investigator exam is two hours over two days of on-site participation, and includes off-site assignments.
Our office works with the State Fire Marshal to review challenge exam applications. Once your exam application is approved, we will register you for the next quarterly exam and send you a confirmation email. You must bring a print out of your confirmation email and photo ID to be admitted into the exam. If your application is denied, you will be notified in writing of the decision.