Apply for State Job Openings



View job openings that interest you and follow the directions in each job opening.

Note that there is no longer a website dedicated to examination announcements as DAS is moving away from the practice of requiring individuals to apply for an examination and then having to re-apply for a specific position. In an effort to have a more efficient, practical, and streamlined recruitment and examination process, many State of Connecticut job postings also serve as the examination announcement, in situations where an examination list does not already exist. 

Interest Cards

Job openings are updated daily. For timely notice of job openings, you may set up an Interest Cards and you will receive an email each time a position opens in your chosen occupational areas.

Read the Experience and Training Section

Each job opening has a minimum “Experience and Training” requirements section. Pay careful attention to this section because if your application does not clearly document that you meet these minimum requirements, your application will not be considered further for that job opening.

Complete the Application in its Entirety 

The State of Connecticut Application Form for Employment (Form CT-HR-12) can be found in most job openings. In order to receive qualifying credit for all your relevant work history, education and other credentials, you must provide all such information on this application.  Information that is not on your application will not be considered in determining if you meet the minimum experience and training requirements of the job opening you are applying for

Note:  Resumes and the use of phrases such as “see resume” are not accepted in lieu of fully completed applications. However, it is acceptable to attach your resume to a fully completed application.

Do Not Falsify Any Information

Be truthful about any and all information on your application. Any information on the application found to be false may result in the removal of consideration for a job opening, the rescinding of an offer of employment, or the loss of employment with the State of Connecticut.
