Eastern CT Corridor Rail and Transit Feasibility Study

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At the direction of the Connecticut Legislature, the Eastern CT Corridor Rail and Transit Feasibility Study investigated the feasibility of and market for the following:

  • Extending the Shore Line East rail line to the State of Rhode Island

  • Establishing a new passenger rail service from the City of New London to the City of Norwich

  • Establishing a new passenger train station in the Town of Groton and the Borough of Stonington

  • Extending other ground transportation systems in the eastern region of the state and providing interconnection between such systems and rail lines


A feasibility study is the first step in evaluating the viability of service in a corridor. Though strategies to advance improvements in rail and transit service in southeastern Connecticut are identified, they are preliminary findings. Further steps in the project lifecycle (including additional study, planning, permitting, design, and construction) would be needed to advance any of the strategies. Any next steps are currently unfunded.


This feasibility study considered:

  • Existing and future market and environmental conditions

  • Equity and environmental justice issues

  • Preliminary engineering

  • Ridership

  • Service operations

  • Equipment needs and system requirements

  • Preliminary costs and revenue forecasts.


Existing Service And Study Area

Eastern Connecticut Corridor Rail & Transit Feasibility Study Existing Service & Study Area Map 


Study Area

The study area includes potential service extending from New London, CT to Westerly, RI, as well as potential service from New London, CT to Norwich, CT (along the east or west side of the Thames River). The study explored potential stations in Groton, Stonington, Norwich, and other potential locations.

Eastern Connecticut Corridor Rail & Transit Feasibility Study Area 


For more information, contact DOTplanning@ct.gov
