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Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 01686B Interstate 84 TR 825 over US Route 44 EB and Columbus Blvd - State Project No. 0063-0654

I-84 TR825 over Rt 44 & Columbus Blvd
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Para información en español

Project Description:  The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) has identified Bridge No. 01686B as needing rehabilitation. The subject bridge supports the I-84 EB transition ramp to I-91 SB (TR 825) over U.S. Route 44 EB (Morgan Street) and Columbus Boulevard in the city of Hartford.

The overall condition of Bridge No. 01686B is fair; NBI Standards rate the bridge as a 5. However, the primary deficiency of the bridge can be attributed to the poor condition of the bridge deck (Rating = 4). The purpose and need for this project is to remove the structural deficient status and restore the structure to satisfactory condition.

The existing bridge consists of an eight-span, steel, multi-girder superstructure. The existing curb-to-curb width is approximately 20-feet along a superelevated, horizontal curve alignment.

The recommended scope involves preservation-type improvements to rehabilitate the existing bridge superstructure and substructure. Proposed repairs include: patching the concrete deck, modifying the existing parapets, joint replacement, installing new bituminous concrete wearing surface, repairs and spot painting of the superstructure steel, patching of the concrete substructure elements, full painting of the Pier 1 riveted steel cap girder, and removing concrete haunches.

It is anticipated that temporary off-peak lane closures of local streets and full closure of the bridge ramp will be utilized to maintain and protect traffic during construction. Due to the narrow curb to curb width and tight radius, the bridge cannot be rehabilitated using stage construction. Traffic along Transition Ramp 825 will require a long-term closure and/or a series of weekend closures with a detour to facilitate deck and joint repairs. Off-peak lane/shoulder closures will be utilized along U.S. Route 44 (Morgan Street) and Columbus Boulevard to facilitate repairs beneath the bridge deck. The sidewalk along Morgan Street and Columbus Boulevard will be closed for various activities throughout construction, a pedestrian detour shall be implemented during those periods. Parking spaces in the Columbus Boulevard Parking Lot will be temporarily cordoned, and on street parking, bus routes, and access to the Morgan Street Garage may be impacted during construction.

Construction:  Construction is anticipated to begin in Fall 2020 and is expected to be complete by November 2021. Rehabilitation cost is estimated to be approximately $4,400,000.

Informational Presentation (PDF 24.4Mb)


Contact Information:

Connecticut Department of Transportation
Mr. Louis D. Bacho, P.E.
(860) 594-3212
BL Companies
Ms. Jennifer J. Usher, P.E
(860) 249-2200


Comments can also be mailed to:

Mr. Theodore H. Nezames, P.E.
Manager of Bridges
Connecticut Department of Transportation
2800 Berlin Turnpike
Newington, CT 06131-7456
