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Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 06650 Interstate 384 over Folly Brook - State Project No. 0076-0222

I-384 Over Folly Brook
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Project Description:  The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) has identified Bridge No. 06650, a culvert, as needing rehabilitation. The subject bridge supports Interstate 384 over Folly Brook in the Town of Manchester. The overall condition of Bridge No. 06650 is poor; NBI Standards rate the culvert as a 4.

The purpose and need for this project is to remove the structural deficient status and restore the structure to satisfactory condition.

The existing bridge consists of 362-feet of 120-inch asphalt coated corrugated metal pipe.

The proposed rehabilitation consists of installing a new concrete invert along the full length of the pipe. It is anticipated that the flow of Folly Brook will be diverted through a temporary pipe inside the culvert during construction.

Disturbances to mainline traffic on I-384 are not expected.

Construction:  Construction is anticipated to begin in spring 2021 and is expected to take eight (8) months. Rehabilitation cost is estimated to be approximately $2,100,000.

CTDOT division line graphic

Residents, commuters, business owners, and other interested individuals are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the proposed project.

An open comment session will be available from January 3, 2019 through February 20, 2019.  Comments can be emailed to DOT.Project.0076_0222@ct.gov.

Informational Presentation (PDF 24.4Mb)