bicycles and vehicles

Connecticut Vision Zero Council

The Vision Zero Council is an interagency work group tasked with developing statewide policy to eliminate transportation-related fatalities and severe injuries involving pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, motorists, and passengers.

The Council was established in 2021 by the Connecticut General Assembly as part of Public Act 21-28, a landmark transportation safety bill.

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Why do we need the Council

 Statistics show an increasing trend of road-user fatalities

Who serves on the council

Members are the commissioners, or designee, of multiple state agencies

How to contact the council

Share your thoughts or concerns with the Council”
an icon of a letter

Meeting Schedules

Find a Vision Zero Council meeting
an icon with a piece of paper and pencil

Meeting Materials

Find video files and meeting materials

Resources and news

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Vision Zero interagency policy

Learn about the approach to achieve zero transportation-related fatalities

Vision Zero mission statement

Explore Vision Zero Councils aims, values, and purpose