Contract Standard Drawing Procedure Overview

As part of a continuing effort to streamline the contract development process, CTDOT is issuing new procedures and terminologies for the development of standard sheets as well as frequently used non-standard detail sheets and stand alone details.

The goals of the revised practices going forward are as follows::

1.      Better department wide inventory and management of standards

2.      To simplify the attainment of CTDOT project development information

3.      To reduce project review and approval time

4.      To reduce project design costs by eliminating redesigns of common project details

5.      Easier negotiations due to a better understanding of CTDOT supplied information.

6.      Development of simplified web pages to allow each discipline to manage their own

         respective standard sheets, guide sheets and details

7.      Improved revision control

The process going forward will introduce three categories of frequently used contract drawings:

-        CTDOT Standard Sheets

-        CTDOT Guide Sheets

-        CTDOT Guide Details 

CTDOT Standard Sheets will replace the current FHWA Standard Sheets.  These sheets will be digitally signed by the Principal and Manager from the discipline issuing the standard sheet.  A new CTDOT Standard Sheet numbering system will be developed along with a CTDOT Standard Sheet Index.  This Index sheet will be included in all contract plans residing after the title sheet and will indicate which CTDOT Standard Sheets are included within the contract plans.  The standard sheets will be obtained by the engineer from the internet and inserted at the end of the contract plan set.  The CTDOT Standard Sheets should be included with the semifinal design submission.  


CTDOT Standard Sheets:

·        CTDOT Standard Sheets are a formal digitally signed document that establishes uniform engineering or technical criteria used for the construction of standard infrastructure features.

·        Determined by discipline lead to express the Department’s intent to have a feature constructed in a specific manner.

·        Sheets requiring signatures by Consumer Protection regulations. Consumer Protection regulations require any sheets within a project that have “appurtenant structures” to be signed individually.  See Section 20-300-10 (License Seals and Stamps). 

·        CTDOT Standard Sheets will be indexed off of a second title sheet and located at the end of the contract plans.

·        The new CTDOT Standard sheet will incorporate a new CTDOT border that will except the use of digital signatures.

·        CTDOT Standards will be provided on the web in the form of a digitally signed PDF file along with the accompanying MicroStation Sheet Model.

·        All CTDOT Standard Sheets are to be dual dimensions (English/(Metric)). 

CTDOT Guide Sheets:

·        CTDOT Guide Sheets will have associated details needing modifications per project requirements.

·        CTDOT Guide Sheets will be inserted into the main body of the contract plans and located within the discipline's drawing set.  The Engineer of Record assumes responsibility for the content of this sheet.  CTDOT Guide Sheets may need to be signed by the Engineer of Record per Consumer Protection Regulations.

·        CTDOT Guide Sheets will be provided on the web in the form of a PDF file along with the accompanying MicroStation Sheet Model.

·        All CTDOT Guide Sheets are to be dual dimension (English/(Metric)).

·        Any additional work required by the Engineer of Record after insertion into the contract plans only requires the project’s current units of measure. 

CTDOT Guide Details:

·        CTDOT Guide Details are those miscellaneous details that are technically correct but may not have enough associated details to make up an entire sheet. Each discipline can keep a library of these details as individual cells collected in a manner to reference or copy as easy as possible into a CAD Sheet Model.

·        Guide Details will be used to assemble contract plan sheets.

·        Guide Details in Discipline Manuals (Bridge, Drainage, Highway etc.) are to be made available by the authoring discipline and are to be contract plan ready.

·        CTDOT Guide Details are to be provided on the internet in the form of a PDF File and it’s accompanying MicroStation cell library.

The drawings on this page are in in PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) and DGN (MicroStation CAD). The PDF document contains multiple PDFs in a single Package file. For the DGN files the link is to a Zip file which you can download and save on your PC. Then open the file with Microstation. Each plan sheet is contained in a seperate cell model with in the DGN file.

The Connecticut DOT approved Standard Drawing files for highway design are first. These documents have been digitally signed and are approved for use in State of CT projects.