Electronic Engineering Data Delivery 


Supported by AEC Applications


 Electronic Engineering Data (EED) is typically produced during the design phase of a civil project and usually consists of various types of electronic design information that can be displayed graphically in a computer aided design file (CAD). Examples of EED include but are not limited to: 3D terrain models, coordinate geometry files and MicroStation CAD files.

How is Electronic Engineering Data (EED) Used in construction?

  • automated machine guidance (AMG)

  • automated stakeout and inspection

  • intelligent compaction

  • generation of “live” as-builts


Why Electronic Engineering Data (IEED) is needed from the designers?

Typically in the past the contractors were not provided with EED at advertising, in order to use the newer technologies the contractors would have to generate (reverse engineer) the required EED from the paper copies of the final design contract PDF plans. This process could be timely, costly and prone to error.  State DOTs have begun requiring that accurate and reliable EEDs be developed in the beginning stages of a project and be delivered at final design.   Nationally the civil industry is quickly recognizing business improvements and lower costs by changing field operations to incorporate the use of these techniques.  


What are the benefits of  benefits of  creating a 3D engineered model from designers perspective?

  • To be able to see the whole model as one (communicates design intent)

  • To ensure all parts tie together (clash detection)

  • Valuable tool to represent data to others

  • Validates constructability of staging/final product

  • Better understanding of staging plans



EED Directive ECD-2017-4

EED Guidelines (Section 12 of Digital Project Development Manual)

EED Notice to Contractor (NTC) 

EED File Manifest

EED File Manifest Example

July 2016 Open House Presentation


FHWA Everyday Counts

The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has promoted the adoption of this technology through their Every Day Counts initiatives.

EDC – 2 Innovations (2013 – 2014)

EDC – 3 Innovations (2015 – 2016)

EDC – 4 Innovations (2017 – 2018)

EDC  5 Innovations (2019 – 2020)

EDC  6 Innovations (2020 – 2021)


Requests for additional information or comments should be addressed to: 

William S. Pratt, P.E. 
Transportation Principal Engineer
Phone: (860) 594-3320
Email: William.Pratt@ct.gov


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