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Detour of Route 191 in East Windsor

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is announcing the detour of Route 191 in East Windsor beginning April 7, 2025, weather permitting. The purpose of this project is to replace Bridge No. 01524 with a steel beam, reinforced cast in place concrete deck superstructure on top of precast abutment stems that rest on cast in place footings with deep foundations. Additionally, the road profile will be raised approximately four feet. The project will require 2 construction seasons to complete. The first construction season is required to relocate all utilities. The bridge and approach roadway work will be completed in the second season.

CTDOT Project No. 0046-0127 was awarded to ROTHA Contracting Co., Inc. at a cost of $9,077,089.26 and is scheduled to be completed by April 2, 2026. The project is being administered by the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Office of Construction - District 1 in Rocky Hill.


The section of Route 191 at Mahoney Road and Old Ellington Road will be closed from April 7 to November 10, 2025. Northbound traffic will be detoured onto Route 5 north, then right onto Route 140 east. Southbound traffic will be detoured onto Route 140 west, then left onto Route 5 south.

Motorists should be aware that modifications or extensions to this schedule may become necessary due to weather delays or other unforeseen conditions. Motorists are advised to maintain a safe speed when driving in this area.

Operating Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.