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Start of Work on I-95 in Norwalk and Westport

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is announcing that work on Interstate 95 and Hendricks Avenue in Norwalk on June 14, 2022.

The proposed work consists of reconstruction of the median and right shoulders of I-95, along with repairing of the concrete pavement and resurfacing of the highway mainline and ramps at Interchanges 16 and 17. The median will be reconstructed consistent with other stretches of I-95 to provide 6-feet wide capped concrete barrier section and 12-feet wide left and right shoulders. The horizontal and vertical alignment of I-95 and the ramps will remain unchanged, except for Interchange 16 Northbound onramp, which will be extended to provide adequate acceleration length.

In addition to the above work, the following bridges will be rehabilitated:

  • Bridge No. 00062 (I-95 over Route 33 – Saugatuck Avenue) – Total replacement, utilizing Lateral Slide Accelerated Bridge Construction Methods, with lane and shoulder widths that comply with current design standards.
  • Bridge No. 00063 (I-95 over Franklin Street) – Concrete deck repairs, replacement of expansion joints, and installation of new standpipes.
  • Bridge No. 00064 (I-95 over Saugatuck River) – Concrete deck repairs, replacement of expansion joints, and upgrades to existing standpipes.

Other proposed improvements include upgrade/repair of existing drainage structures, replacement of existing highway illumination system and Incident Management System (IMS), guiderail upgrades, construction of a portion of the Yankee Doodle Trail in Norwalk, and reconstruction of the existing commuter parking lot off Hendricks Avenue.

DOT Project No. 0102-0295 was awarded to Yonkers Contracting Company, Inc at a cost of $103,411,848 on April 30, 2022 and is scheduled to be completed on November 1, 2024. This project is administered by the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Office of Construction, District 3 in New Haven.



There will be periodic lane closures on I-95 during nighttime operations starting in mid-July.



Operating Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


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