The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is announcing that the replacement of the Route 185 bridge over Tumbledown Brook in Bloomfield will begin on June 8, 2022.
The project consists of the replacement of an existing corrugated metal culvert with an aluminum plate pipe arch culvert carrying Tumbledown Brook under Route 185. Construction will also relocation of a gas and water main. Approximately 325 lineal feet of the roadway will be reconstructed by milling/overlay incorporating a section of full depth reconstruction consisting of 8” of hot-mix asphalt over 12” of new subbase. New metal beam rail and tree plantings will also be installed.
DOT Project No. 0011-0158 was awarded to Gerber Construction, Inc. at a cost of $1,193,727.00 on May 10, 2022 and is scheduled to be completed on October 19, 2022. This project is administered by the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Office of Construction, District 1 in Rocky Hill.
The Contractor will close lanes Monday through Friday between 9 am and 3 pm, and 6 pm and 6 am; and Saturday and Sunday between 6 pm and 10 am.
Route 185 will be closed for 14 consecutive days on or about August 1 through August 14, 2022. Detour information will be issued with future notification after the timeframe becomes certain.