The Project will be adding an Exit 33 off ramp for the Southbound lane direction and an on ramp for the Northbound lane direction making in a full interchange. There will also be roadwork on Ferry Boulevard and Barnum Avenue Cutoff with minor road configurations and traffic signal work as well as drainage improvements.
DOT Project No. 0138-0248 was awarded to Empire Paving Corp. at a cost of $28,857,927.57 on 09/04/2019 and is scheduled to be completed by 07/05/22. The project is being administered by the Office of Construction in District 3, New Haven.
The newly constructed I-95 northbound Exit 33 On-Ramp will open to traffic by the end of business on Friday, November 19, 2021. Construction is still ongoing throughout the project so motorists should be aware of construction activities.
Motorists are advised to maintain a safe speed when driving in this vicinity and be guided by construction signs and lane devices for lane closures or restrictions.