The project consists of rehabilitating the existing bridge and roadway over Lake Saltonstall. Improvements include bridge deck repair, joint replacement, and repaving both Northbound and Southbound Lanes of I-95 between Exits 52-53. Traffic will be impacted for only a 2-week timeframe instead of an 8-week duration during the summer months.
DOT Project No. 0043-0131 was awarded to Rotha Contracting Co. at a cost of $3,557,233.60 on November 16, 2020 and is scheduled to be completed November 21, 2021. This project is administered by the Office of Construction, District 3 in New Haven.
The active lane closure will be extended from October 21 at 6:00 A.M. to October 22 at 6:00 A.M., a single lane closure of traffic will be permitted on I-95 Southbound with construction occurring 24 hours a day. There will be 2 active lanes of traffic instead of the typical 3 lanes during this period.
The I-95 Northbound operation will be postponed from the October 22 start date at this time.