FOR RELEASE: July 11, 2016
TELEPHONE: (860) 594-3062
FAX: (860) 594-3065

Public Informational Meeting Concerning Modifications to Route 9 in Middletown, Including the Removal of the Traffic Signals on Route 9 and Stop Sign on the Route 17 Northbound On-Ramp
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) will conduct a public informational meeting for the modifications to Route 9 in the City of Middletown, including the removal of the traffic signals on Route 9 and stop sign on the Route 17 northbound on-ramp. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, July 26, 2016, at the Elks Lodge 771, 44 Maynard Street, Middletown, Connecticut.  The presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m.
Project No. 82-316:
The purpose of this project is to enhance safety for vehicles at the on-ramp of Route 17 onto Route 9 north, which has a high frequency of rear-end type crashes. This project will replace the existing bridge immediately north of the stop-controlled on-ramp to accommodate a full length acceleration lane and remove the stop controlled condition. The intersection of Union Street, Harbor Drive and River Road, located under the bridge, will be reconfigured to improve traffic operations and facilitate pedestrian movements.
This project will also close the existing on-ramp onto Route 9 north located at the north end of Harbor Drive and transform Harbor Drive into a local access road with on-street parking and various pedestrian amenities.
Additional improvements such as the replacement of the existing intersections at Route 17 and Main Street/Extension interchange with a teardrop roundabout will be implemented.
Project No. 82-318:
The purpose of this project is to mitigate the congested traffic conditions on the section of Route 9 that passes through the City of Middletown and improve access to Middletown.  This concept proposes to remove the two existing traffic signals, constructing two new bridges to carry Route 9 southbound over the Hartford Avenue and Washington Street intersections, as well as reconfiguring some of the access to Middletown from Route 9.  The access modification will involve removing the Route 9 northbound left-hand exit onto Harford Avenue (St. John’s Square) and also removing the Route 9 southbound right-hand exit onto Washington Street.
Additionally, this project proposes to improve pedestrian access to the riverfront area by installing a pedestrian bridge that will connect Main Street to Harbor Park over DeKoven Drive and Route 9.
This project will also improve traffic operations at the Washington Street and DeKoven Drive intersection by installing a roundabout, and along Main Street by installing sidewalk bump outs (curb extensions) at all the major intersections. The sidewalk bump outs will shorten the crossing distance for pedestrians, improving pedestrian safety as well as reducing the required crossing time so that the additional time can be allocated to the traffic on Main Street. 
With support from the public, the Department will move forward with the design of this concept.
The public informational meeting is being held to afford a full opportunity for public participation and to allow open discussion of any views and comments the community may have concerning the modifications to Route 9 in the City of Middletown.
The meeting facility is ADA accessible.  Deaf and hearing impaired persons wishing to attend this meeting and requiring an interpreter, must make arrangements by contacting the Department’s Office of Communications at (860) 594-3062 (voice only) at least five working days prior to the meeting.  Language assistance is provided at no cost to the public, and efforts will be made to respond to request for assistance.
More detailed information is available at the Department’s Office of Engineering, 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, Connecticut, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., excluding holidays.  Anyone wishing to discuss the project may contact Mr. William W. Britnell at (860) 594-3274 or by e-mail at  Plans are also available for review on the Department’s website, as well as at the Middletown City Hall – Town Clerk’s Office, 245 Dekoven Drive, Middletown, Connecticut.