Division of Research

The CTDOT Research unit conducts, supports, and promotes research and development activities that employ new ideas and innovative technology to address CTDOT needs and serves its mission. It collaborates with other research affiliates to discover and develop new implementable products for improving the transportation system.



Office of Policy and Strategic Planning
Bureau of Policy and Planning
Connecticut Department of Transportation
2800 Berlin Turnpike
Newington, CT 06111

Telephone: (860) 594-2015
E-mail: Mauricio.Garcia-Theran@ct.gov


What's New

CTDOT sponsored research, “Safety Evaluation of Alternatives for Installing Pedestrian Signals Under Side Street Green” was selected as a 2024 AASHTO High-Value Research Project. The P.I., Dr. John Ivan at UCONN led the effort with support from Dr. Kai Wang, Marisa Auguste, and Olin Green. Their work showed how concurrent pedestrian phasing at intersections reduces the odds of vehicle-pedestrian conflicts and reduces wait times for pedestrians. Learn more about this innovative project by reading the final report.


Additional Resources

Connecticut CAP Lab
Online Transportation Research Reports & Products
Policy on New Product Evaluation at Connecticut DOT


Research Staff

Mauricio.Garcia-Theran@ct.gov Dionysia.Oliveira@ct.gov