Performance Measures
Greenhouse Gas Performance Measure
On January 31, 2024, the Connecticut Department of Transportation established a required declining target for the initial 4-year target of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Performance Measure. Attached below is CTDOT's finalized target and submittal to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
CT_2024 State Initial GHG Report
GHG_Declining Targets_DOT Letter_1_31_24
Performance Management Unit
Welcome to the Performance Management Unit webpage. The purpose of the unit is to establish, analyze, and report on performance measures data within the department. Further information on Performance Management is located below. We also publish regularly updated dashboards through Power BI. The dashboards provide a story within our collected data and metrics. The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) Performance Measures Program is managed by the Division of Performance Management, Office of Program Development and Forecasting, Bureau of Policy and Planning.
The Core Mission
The performance measures we establish address CTDOT’s eight policy objectives, which are also linked to our core mission of:
Provide Safe and Secure Travel
Reduce Congestion and Maximize Throughput
Preserve and Maintain our Transportation Infrastructure
Provide Mobility Choice, Connectivity and Accessibility
Improve Efficiency and Reliability
Preserve and Protect the Environment
Support Economic Growth
Strive for Organizational Excellence
Quarterly Performance Measures
Mobile users can view CTDOT Performance Measures dashboard here.
Mobile users can view CTDOT and National Performance Measures dashboard here.
Our annual measures are updated in our dashboards below. The CTDOT measures compliment the National Performance measures. While select measures are similar between the two, CTDOT has additional metrics to track safety, infrastructure, highway reliability, mobility (bus, rail, bicycle & pedestrian), air quality, and project delivery. Explore the data below.
We also created a dashboard for National Performance Measures.
Why is Data Important?
Data is more than just numbers. Through performance measures, data allows us to make decisions that will enhance mobility for the public.
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is committed to full transparency in its business of preserving, managing, and developing the State's transportation system. Our customers have a high expectation of us, and it is our desire to exceed these expectations. The establishment of goals, and the achievement of them, is a fundamental cornerstone of any successful business. Through the use of performance measures, the Department will provide the transparency and accountability that our customers expect.
To ensure transparency, we utilize performance measures for tracking data and project purpose. These performance measures are shown publicly in our Power BI dashboards to help understand our goals and see the progress. These measures and dashboards are updated often.
Performance Management: Measures
The CTDOT establishes and maintains performance measures that are reviewed by the CTDOT's Standing Committee on Performance Measures (SCOPM). The SCOPM ensures the usefulness in helping the department make strategic decisions for managing its infrastructure assets. Through this process, measures can be modified or sunset in the future. The performance measures focus on results and accountability.
Active Dashboards
The dashboard below provides a link to all current dashboards.Mobile users can view active dashboard here.
Target Settings Activities
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is required to develop and submit targets for the following measure areas to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA):
- Performance Measure Area 1 (PM1)
- Safety
- Performance Measure Area 2 (PM2)
- Pavement condition
- Bridge condition
- Performance Measure Area 3 (PM3)
- System performance
- Freight movement
- Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality
- Traffic congestion
- Emission reduction
The Performance Management Unit at CTDOT is responsible for completing the PM3 with internal collaboration and in coordination with the Council of Governments (COGs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) throughout the state. Additional collaboration occurred with Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MASSDOT) and Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) for measures of urbanized areas that crossed state boundaries.
The FHWA established a deadline of December 16th, 2022, for the latest cycle of target setting activities in the PM2 and PM3 area. The 2022 target setting activities included two- and four-year targets, methodology, coordination, modeling, and forecasting.
The 2022 submittal to FHWA is our baseline year of the new reporting period. The two- and four-year targets utilize the latest complete data set (2020 for Non-SOV, 2021 for PHED and Travel Time Reliability).
Please see below to view our PM3 targets, 2022 target setting activities, adjusted 4-year targets, and the reporting of the previous full performance period.
Mobile users can view CTDOT Target Setting Activities dashboard here.
PM3 2022 Target Setting Activities
Submittal of Mid-Performance Period Progress Report (2022 – 2025 (Adjusted 4-Year Targets))
Submittal of Baseline Performance Period Report (2022 – 2025 (New Targets))
Submittal of Previous Full Performance Period Report (2018 – 2021)
For information about PM1 (safety), please visit the Federal Highway Administration’s website. To view data for PM1 (safety), see below in the CTDOT Performance Measures dashboard under Quarterly Performance Measures section of our webpage.
Traffic Congestion Maps
The dashboards below are updated monthly to view the latest traffic congestion patterns and trends throughout Connecticut. Currently the data is for January 2025.
Planning Time Index
The two dashboards above are separated by road classes. The first dashboard analyzes planning time index for interstates while the second dashboard view state and US routes. The definition of Planning Time is the total travel time that commuters should plan with enough buffer time to include usual delays plus unexpected.
Planning Time Index is the measured travel time divided by the free flow travel time for a segment of roadway.
Archives and Feedback
Please see our archives below:
Connecticut Leads the Way: Joint Report by the PEW Center on the States and the Rockefeller Foundation
MAP-21 FHWA Performance Measures
Previous CTDOT Performance Measures
We anticipate further development and refinement of our core business practices, particularly in the financial and project delivery areas. We encourage your feedback, so please tell us what you think by e-mailing the webmaster.