Assistive Technology Demo Series

DDS recently began an “Assistive Technology Demo Series” to educate individuals, families, DDS staff and qualified providers about the various AT products available and how such products may assist with meeting the needs of the individuals we support. Through the series, DDS has invited several inventors of truly amazing AT products to visit our statewide offices to talk about how and why they created their respective products.

In May, Jarkko Jokelainen (inventor / engineer), flew to CT from Finland to present an innovative and versatile product known as the “Yeti Tablet”. The Yeti is the world’s largest and most powerful Andriod  tablet in the world. In June, CT DDS purchased Yeti Tablets for use in each of the statewide family respite centers. Several respite center staff in each region have been identified as “AT Champions” and have been engaged in learning the key components of the use and operation of the Yeti.  Each center will soon be in receipt of a 65” fully interactive tablet along with additional assistive technology related items to create a true “Smart Home” environment dedicated to teaching, learning, and embracing the holistic benefits of assistive technology!

A big thanks to statewide family respite center staff and administration who are assisting in the effort to promote the quality of life benefits of assistive technology!

Jarkko Jokelainen showing DDS staff the intricacies of a Yeti tablet

Jarkko Jokelainen showing DDS staff the intricacies of a Yeti tablet.