Assistive Technology Resources for Training in Connecticut

Area Cooperative Educational Services (ACES) — The AT program at ACES focuses on evaluation and needs assessment of the student within the educational setting; assistance with the selection of assistive devices; assisting the team with implementing and integrating the use of the AT within the student’s educational program; and education, training, and technical assistance to the student and team.

Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB) — BESB is responsible for the confidential registry of people who are blind in Connecticut and provides, within available resources, comprehensive low-vision services, specialized education services, life-skills training, case management, and vocational services to individuals of all ages who are legally blind and to children who are visually impaired. The agency assists them in acquiring the skills and support services necessary to be independent.

Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) — BRS provides appropriate, individualized services, develops effective partnerships, and shares sufficient information so consumers and their families may make informed choices about rehabilitation process and employment options.

Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) — CREC provides districts with customized and flexible support for AT to meet the needs of students. CREC’s AT services include AT technical assistance and training to build capacity within district; AT and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) evaluations; membership in CREC’s AT Consortium; and RESC alliance newsletter.

Connect-Ability — Connect-Ability offers information, tools and technical assistance to job seekers and employers rather than provide direct job placement services.

Connecticut Association of Centers for Independent Living (CACIL) — CACIL provides information, counseling and support to people with disabilities who are developing a housing plan that will enable them to live independently.

Connecticut Tech Act — The Connecticut Tech Act Project is a statewide program that helps to increase access to AT for individuals with disabilities of all ages.

Cooperative Educational Services (CES) — CES identifies and provides quality educational opportunities for educators, students, families, and communities in coastal Fairfield County. CES’s AT services include evaluation and consultation and technical assistance services to assist school districts in determining the technology needs of disabled students on an individual basis.

Department of Developmental Services (DDS) — The purpose of DDS is to create the conditions under which individuals with developmental disabilities and their families experience presence and participation in Connecticut town life; opportunities to develop and exercise competence; opportunities to make choices in the pursuit of a personal future; good relationships with family members and friends; and respect and dignity.

Disability Rights Connecticut  — Disability Rights Connecticut is a statewide non-profit organization. Disability Rights Connecticut (DRCT) replaced the Office of Protection & Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities, which was abolished by Connecticut Law as of June 30, 2017 and is now Connecticut’s “Protection and Advocacy System” and Client Assistance Program.

EASTCONN — EASTCONN is one of the RESCs in Connecticut, and serves the educational needs of schools, organizations, communities, and individuals of all ages in northeastern Connecticut. The AT program at EASTCONN includes a) ATconsortium; b) AT consultation; c) AT demonstration and lending library; d) AT student assessment and e) AT training.

Education Connection — Education Connection, the regional educational service center in western Connecticut, promotes the success of school districts and their communities. Education Connection provides educational and related services.

LEARN — LEARN initiates, supports, and provides a wide range of programs and services that expand opportunities and enhance the quality of learning in the educational community. Through its leadership, resources and work with schools, students, families and other community agencies, LEARN promotes regional and statewide cooperation and provides a framework for districts to achieve their goals.

New England Assistive Technology (NEAT) Resources and Education Center — NEATprovides information and services and access to equipment and devices that can change the lives of people of all ages, with all types of disabilities.

State Education Resource Center (SERC) — SERC provides professional development and information dissemination in the latest research and best practices to educators, service providers, and families throughout the state, as well as job-embedded technical assistance and training within schools, programs, and districts. SERC’s Technology In Education (TIE) initiative provides training, technical assistance, and materials dissemination to general and special education teachers and administrators, student support services personnel, paraprofessionals, and family members regarding educational technologies (learning tools) that may facilitate the teaching and learning process and lead to greater student achievement.

Resource: Connecticut State Department of Education