DAS Small Agency Resource Team (SmART)


The DAS Small Agency Resource Team (SmART) was established July 1, 2005, under Section 60 (c) of Public Act 05-251. The SmART Unit consolidates human resources personnel from multiple agencies under one roof. This encourages a consistent application and execution of Human Resources rules and procedures as well as a reliable interpretation of these policies.  

Theresa Judge - HR Administrator
Ph: 860-713-5319
Ph: 860-785-9506
Fax: 860-622-2964

Office of the Governor
Office of the Lt. Governor
Office of the DAS Commissioner
Office of Workforce Strategy
DAS Communications
DAS Legal

High-Level Escalation:
DAS and SmART Agencies


Danielle Johnson - Assistant HR Director
Ph: 860-785-9826

(Secondary Point of Contact) 
Office of the Governor 
Office of the Lt. Governor 
Office of the Commissioner 

High Level Escalation:
DAS and SmART Agencies

Heidi Gray - HR Generalist 3 Supervisor 
Ph: 860-785-9477
Fax: 860-622-2858

DAS (Main Point of Contact)
DAS Equal Employment Opportunity
Bureau of Information Technology Solutions (BITS)
    Agency Success
    Digital Government
    Security, Risk, and Compliance  

SmART (Main Point of Contact)
Department of Agriculture  

Quasi (Main Point of Contact)
CT Paid Leave Authority (PFMLIA)
Belinda Rivera - HR Generalist 3 Supervisor 
Ph: 860-785-9540 
Ph: 860-713-5163   
Fax: 860-622-2949 

DAS (Main Point of Contact)
State Insurance & Risk Mgmt.
Claims Commission  

SmART (Main Point of Contact)
Department of Banking 
Brittany Besaw - HR Generalist 2
Ph: 860-713-5449 
Fax: 860-622-2937

SmART (Main Point of Contact)
CT State Library
Department of Economic and Community  Development
Office of Workforce Strategy
Office of Governmental Accountability
Victoria Cruse - HR Generalist 2    
Ph: 860-757-5349 
Fax: 860-622-2808

SmART (Main Point of Contact)
Department of Insurance
Office of Healthcare Advocate
Department of Housing 
Raquel Perkins - HR Generalist 2
Ph: 860-713-5249 
Fax: 860-622-2971

SmART (Main Point of Contact)
Department of Consumer Protection
Nickson Renoncourt - HR Generalist 2
Ph: 860-713-5666 
Fax: 860-622-2906

DAS (Main Point of Contact)

SmART (Main Point of Contact) 
Office of Early Childhood 
Elena Vazquez - HR Generalist 2 
Ph: 860-785-9775 
Fax: 860-326-0583

DAS (Main Point of Contact)
Bureau of Information Technology Solutions (BITS)
Application Services
Compute Services
Infrastructure Services
Workforce Enablement 
Ashley Dempsey - HR Generalist 2 
Ph: 860-713-5382

DAS (Main Point of Contact)
Construction Services
Business Services
Fleet Operations
Grants Administration
Properties and Facilities Management
Statewide Leasing and Properties Transfer
State Marshall Commission

SmART (Main Point of Contact)
Teacher’s Retirement Board 
Bonnie Schlechtweg - HR Generalist 2 
Ph: 860-785-9855 

DAS (Main Point of Contact)
SW HR Benefits and Leave
SW HR Learning and Development
SW HR Policy & Information Systems
SW HR Talent Solutions
SW HR Workers Compensation    

SmART (Main Point of Contact)
Worker’s Compensation Commission 
Maria Toro Vinces - HR Generalist 2 
Ph: 860-713-5199 

DAS (Main Point of Contact)
Agency Human Resources Business Partners
DAS Procurement 
Judy Vaillette - HR Generalist 2
Ph: 860-713-5779 

SmART (Main Point of Contact)
State Department of Education 

Maricielo Fabian - HR Leadership Associate
Ph: 860-713-5754

General Human Resources Support


Yuneli Roman - HR Leadership Associate
Ph: 860-713-5425

General Human Resources Support


Seque Small - HR Leadership Associate
Ph: 860-713-5133

General Human Resources Support

Linda Shackett-Blue - Administrative Assistant
Ph: 860-785-9750 
Ph: 860-713-5179 
Fax: 860-622-2968

Administrative Support for DAS, SmART Agencies, Employee Review Board
Employment Verifications
Tuition Reimbursement
In-Service Training 
Kristina Plyler - Agency Labor Relations Manager 
Ph: 860-719-3704 

Labor Relations 
Jennifer Bradley - Agency Labor Relations Specialist 
Ph: 860-422-4750

Labor Relations
Frances Leon - Agency Labor Relations Specialist  
Ph: 860-969-8442 

Labor Relations