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State Fleet Composition and Fuel Usage Report | December 31, 2020
Section 4a-67d(f) of the Connecticut General Statutes directs DAS to file yearly reports on fuel usage and the composition of the state fleet.
State of Connecticut School Construction Grant Program Audit
DAS retained an outside firm, Marcum LLP, to review school construction audits performed from January 2018 through December 2021. The report assesses the school project audits’ compliance with the DAS established Audit Program and Compliance Checklist. DAS has adopted all recommendations outlined in the report and is committed to maintaining efficiency, consistency, and transparency for all of its programs.
Links to reports, publications and research projects conducted by the Bureau of Assets Management.
Summary Report of the School Facilities Survey 2021
The School Facilities Survey captures information that Local Education Agencies are required to submit to DAS or the at various intervals required in C.G.S.,Section 10-220, with the most recent statutory date being July 1, 2021.