Legal Collections

Connecticut Legislative Histories

Are you interested in researching documents related to a particular state law? Maybe you’d like to compare a bill to an earlier version or understand its legislative intent.

The State Library can help you find these records in our collection of compiled legislative histories. All material in our collection can be legally cited and certified.

Helpful information about our compiled legislative histories:

  • Cards marked with “not transcribed” mean nothing is available in print. If you have questions about these, please contact Legislative Management at 860-240-0100. 
  • In 2018, only House, Senate, and some committee hearings were transcribed. 
  • Histories begin with acts passed in 1953 and usually include both House and Senate proceedings. 
  • Public hearings are available from further back to 1899, but some committees before 1953 are unavailable. 
  • View our policy on scanning and photocopying.
CSL Search Stations

Other Sources of Connecticut Legislative Histories

If you can’t find the record you need in our compiled histories, there are other options.

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to effectively access these online transcripts  

General Assembly Search Page

Access transcripts of House and Senate proceedings. Committee public hearings from 1988-present are also available. View their disclaimer.

Landmark Legislative Histories

Landmark Legislative Histories

Connecticut has a long history of landmark laws that helped shape the state into what it is today. We have prepared separate volumes outlining these historic pieces of legislation. 

Digital versions currently available: