Public Records Home > State Records Program > Agency Specific Retention Schedules
Records Retention Schedules show how long records must be stored based on administrative, fiscal, and legal requirements, as well as their historical value. Agency Specific Records Retention Schedules list records that are unique to the work of the agency. Agencies are not required to have an agency specific records retention schedule.
Agencies that are part of the State Records Management Program:
- Constitutional Offices, including the Office of the Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of the State, State Treasurer, State Comptroller, and State Attorney General
- Agencies in the executive department
- Public colleges and universities
- Quasi-public agencies, like Access Health CT, CT Paid Leave Authority, and several others
PLEASE NOTE: Only Agency Specific Records Retention Schedules created or revised after July 1, 2007 are posted below. Schedules dated prior to July 1, 2007 are on file at the Office of the Public Records Administrator.
Contact the Office of the Public Records Administrator if:
- You have records that you cannot locate on any records retention schedule
- You are not sure if your agency is included in the program
- You are looking for retention schedules published prior to July 1, 2007
- You are looking for superseded or obsolete records retention schedules
Agency-Specific Records Retention Schedules
- Administrative Services, Department of (DAS)
- Aging and Disability Services, Department of (ADS)
- Agricultural Experiment Station, Connecticut (CAES)
- Attorney General, Office of (AG)
- Banking, Department of (DOB)
- Comptroller, Office of the State (OSC)
- Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority (CHEFA)
- Connecticut Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority (CHESLA)
- Connecticut Innovations (CI)
- Connecticut Student Loan Foundation (CSLF)
- Consumer Counsel, Office of (OCC)
- Consumer Protection, Department of (DCP)
- Correction, Department of (DOC)
- Criminal Justice, Division of (DCJ)
- Developmental Services, Department of (DDS)
- Early Childhood, Office of (OEC)
- Economic & Community Development, Department of (DECD)
- Education, State Department of (SDE)
- Elections Enforcement Commission, State (SEEC)
- Emergency Services & Public Protection, Department of (DESPP)
- Energy & Environmental Protection, Department of (DEEP)
- Environmental Quality, Council on (CEQ)
- Ethics, Office of State (OSE)
- Government Accountability, Office of (OGA)
- Governor, Office of the (GOV)
- Healthcare Advocate, Office of (OHA)
- Housing Finance Authority, Connecticut (CHFA)
- Human Rights & Opportunities, Commission on (CHRO)
- Insurance Department, Connecticut (CID)
- Labor, Department of (DOL)
- Lieutenant Governor, Office of the (OLG)
- Lottery Corporation, Connecticut (CLC)
- Medical Examiner, Office of the Chief (OCME)
- Mental Health and Addiction Services, Department of (DMHAS)
- Motor Vehicles, Department of (DMV)
- Pardons & Paroles, Connecticut Board of (BPP)
- Policy & Management, Office of (OPM)
- Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities, Office of (OPA)
- Public Health, Department of (DPH)
- Revenue Services, Department of (DRS)
- Secretary of the State, Office of (SOTS)
- Siting Council, Connecticut (CSC)
- Social Services, Department of (DSS)
- State Library, Connecticut (CSL)
- Teachers’ Retirement Board (TRB)
- Transportation, Department of (DOT)
- Treasurer, Office of the State (OTT)
- University of Connecticut (UCONN)
- University of Connecticut Health Center (UCHC)
Energy and Environmental Protection, Department of (DEEP)
- Bureau of Air Management – Enforcement (15-4-3)
- Bureau of Air Management – Engineering (15-4-2)
- Bureau of Air Management – Planning and Standards (15-4-5)
- Bureau of Air Management – Radiation (15-4-4)
- Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy (14-2-3)
- Forestry (14-2-2)
- Inland Fisheries Division (08-5-1)
- Inland Water Resources Division (13-6-1)
- Land Acquisition and Management Division (15-4-1)
- Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, Bureau of (DEEP-01)
- Office of Adjudications (14-2-1)
- Office of Long Island Sound Programs [OLISP] (09-1-3)
- Parks Division (09-1-1)
- PCB Enforcement Unit (10-5-1)
- Pesticide (14-2-4R)
- Planning and Program Development, Office of (09-1-2)
- Public Utilities Regulatory Authority [PURA] (11-4-1)
- Remediation Division (DEEP-02)
- Water Permitting and Enforcement Division (13-6-2)
- Water Protection and Land Reuse Planning and Standards (08-5-2)
- Wildlife Division (11-4-2)
State General Retention Schedules
Records Retention Schedules show how long records must be stored based on administrative, fiscal, and legal requirements, as well as their historical value. General Records Retention Schedules list records that are common to many agencies.