Third Thursday Presentation Judge Jon C Blue

Third Thursdays at the Connecticut State Library: “The Case of the Piglet’s Paternity: Trials from the New Haven colony 1619-1663”, Book discussion with Judge Jon C. Blue Video of the presentation on September 17 2015.

Judge Jon C. Blue, became a Superior Court Judge in 1989 and presides over criminal trials in New Haven. He has written several law review articles about constitutional law and Connecticut legal history. While perusing a rare book collection, he found a tattered Nineteenth Century edition of the records of the short-lived New Haven Colony. The records contained amazingly vivid reports of colonial trials, but they were frustratingly incomplete – sexual matters had been omitted for purposes of propriety. That led to a search for the original Seventeenth Century manuscript. The Case of the Piglet’s Paternity combines the results of this archival research with the observations of an experienced judge.