Mission Statement

CT LAB Mission Statement

The mission of the Connecticut State Library, Library for Accessible Books (CT LAB), is to make available, in formats accessible to people who are blind, people with a visual impairment, people with a reading disability, or people with a physical disability, books and magazines representative of the range of print materials typically found in a public library, by:

  • Lending braille, recorded books, and playback equipment supplied by the Library of Congress, National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS).
  • Augmenting the national collection with books produced by Connecticut’s and other states’ volunteer recording programs. 
  • Guiding its readers to sources of braille and recorded books not included in its own collection.
  • Providing reference and referral services to its readers. 
  • Maintaining close ties with libraries, government and private agencies that serve handicapped people.
  • Reaching out to eligible persons.