Newspapers stacked in a rack with out of focus background

Are you looking for local or regional newspapers?

The State Library holds an extensive collection of Connecticut newspapers. This includes town newspapers, every daily newspaper and the majority of weekly papers, business newspapers and special interest publications; major national newspapers and indexes to newspaper collections. Current original newspapers, and newspapers on microfilm are available during regular business hours. 

These include:

  • Daily and weekly newspapers from Connecticut cities and towns
  • National newspapers
  • Newspaper lists
  • Newspapers that focus on business and other interesting topics

We do not retain the original paper after we receive the microfilm. Newspapers older than 6 months, that we do not have on microfilm, are either in a secured area or our offsite facility.

When the library is open, you can read the newspapers in person or view copies on film. Once we make a film copy of a newspaper, we dispose of the original. We store newspapers older than six months that are not copied on film. We hold them in Archived and Secured Collections.

Choose the link below to find newspaper databases and titles on microfilm and learn how to use the collection.

Find Newspapers at the State Library  

Newspaper Projects: Digital and Microfilm

Connecticut Digital Newspaper Project & Guide – Choose these for information and news about the Project. The Guide also has links for teachers who are interested in using historic newspapers to create lesson plans and/or curricula.

Connecticut Newspaper Project – Choose this link to view publications produced by the Project including charts of related newspapers, newspaper indexes, a list of Ethnic newspapers, a history of Connecticut newspapers, and more. See also our page about Vertical Files.

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers: Digitized Newspapers from Connecticut
Search historic newspapers from Connecticut, contributed to Chronicling America by the Connecticut State Library. Search them alongside other American historic newspapers from 1789-1924 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress

This financial support helps us digitize Connecticut newspapers as historic records. The digital newspapers are freely available in the Library of Congress’ Chronicling America database. Visit the links below for access to interesting areas of the project.

Connecticut Digital Newspaper Project 

Access information and news about the Project.

Project Guide 

The Guide has links for teachers who'd like to use historic newspapers for education.

Newspapers for Historical and Genealogical Research 

Search for newspapers by town and/or year.

Connecticut Newspapers by Title 

Access digitized Connecticut newspapers by title.

Historic Connecticut Newspapers

  • Search 1770-1963 
    Search Connecticut newspapers along with other American historic newspapers from 1770-1963.
  • Search 1690-present 
    Find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.