Welcome to the webpage for State Project No. 0097-0101, Replacement of Bridge No. 05970 carrying Old Goshen Road over Hall Meadow Brook in Norfolk.
A virtual public informational meeting for the project was held on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. The recording of that event can be accessed at the CTDOT Virtual Public Information Meeting Video Library.
The project involves the replacement Bridge No. 05970, a culvert structure that was washed out during a storm event on July 13, 2023. A new 29’-6” long prestressed concrete deck unit bridge providing for a 25’ wide roadway is proposed in its place. The new bridge will provide improved hydraulic performance and meet current standards. Approximately 290’ of roadway reconstruction is also proposed along with the bridge replacement. The construction will be accomplished utilizing the same traffic detour that residents are currently using or via Smith Road if that washed out bridge is replaced first.
Right-of-way impacts are associated with the project which include partial permanent takes, permanent slope easements, and temporary construction easements on two properties.
Construction is anticipated to begin by spring 2027. The estimated construction cost for this project is approximately $3.46 million, with 80% federal funds and 20% state funds.
The project document can be viewed below:
Comments and questions can be submitted during the two-week public comment period after the meeting by February 4, 2025, to:
- DOT-FLBP@ct.gov
- (860) 594-2020
- Andrew Shields, Project Engineer; andrew.shields@ct.gov; (860) 594-2077
Please reference State Project No. 0097-0101 in the email or voicemail.
Additional Information for Public
Voluntary Feedback Survey - After the meeting, we hope you’ll take a few extra minutes to fill out our brief survey.