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CTDOT Releases First-Ever Customer Experience (CX) Action Plan

New CX Action Plan guides future investments to improve public transportation in Connecticut

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) today unveiled its first-ever Customer Experience (CX) Action Plan that outlines programs, policies, and investments to improve bus and rail services for all of Connecticut. The Action Plan is the culmination of a yearlong engagement effort with transit customers, community stakeholders, service providers, and transit employees.

The CX Action Plan can be found at

“Public transportation ensures people get to where they need to go safely and efficiently. It breaks down barriers to education and employment, providing more opportunity throughout the state,” said Connecticut Department of Transportation Commissioner Garrett Eucalitto. “From the moment someone decides to use public transportation to the minute they reach their destination is all part of the customer experience. I am incredibly proud of the outreach and engagement of the CX Team. That meaningful feedback drives this Action Plan and is helping us create a safer and more accessible transit system in Connecticut.”

“With a renewed focus on enhancing the customer experience, we are proud to deliver our first ever CX Action Plan for transit customers across the state. I am incredibly privileged to celebrate this accomplishment and support the next steps and path forward,” said Connecticut Department of Transportation Bureau Chief of Public Transportation Benjamin Limmer. “Our customers told us what matters most to them and we’re taking those priorities and making them a reality. We’re improving service, making transit easier to use, and creating a more comfortable and accessible transportation system for all.”

“The process we went through to get here is just as important as the plan. We set out to engage with customers and stakeholders in a real way and we accomplished that,” said Connecticut Department of Transportation Customer Experience Supervising Planner Alicia Leite. “We learned a great deal over the last year and remain committed to using what we learned – and will continue to learn – to improve public transportation in Connecticut.”

The CX Action Plan will be updated every three to five years to reflect evolving customer needs and priorities with yearly progress reports from CTDOT on the status of priority actions.

The CX Team will be holding pop-up events over the next few months at bus stops and transit hubs, rail stations and community events to get the word out about the Action Plan.

For more information and to the read the full Customer Experience Action Plan, please visit


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