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CTDOT Joins National Call to Action to Reduce Roadway Fatalities

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) has joined dozens of organizations and businesses around the country as an “Ally in Action” with a public commitment to reverse the roadway crisis facing the state. Last year, more than 380 people were killed on Connecticut roads—the highest number in three decades. So far in 2023, more than 80 people have been killed.

As part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) National Roadway Safety Strategy, CTDOT is one of 80 groups that are committed to taking action to reduce serious injuries and deaths on roadways. Joining CTDOT in this commitment are health and safety advocates, private sector businesses, municipal and law enforcement organizations, and more.

“CTDOT is and will always be committed to making our roadways and transportation systems safer for drivers, passengers, workers, pedestrians, and bicyclists,” said Connecticut Department of Transportation Commissioner Garrett Eucalitto. “After recording one of the deadliest years on our roadways in decades, Connecticut is heeding the USDOT’s call to action. Through education, enforcement, infrastructure improvements, and policy changes, we will utilize every available resource to reduce the number of deaths and injuries on our roads.”

With this commitment, CTDOT will lead behavioral change on Connecticut roadways through safety pilot programs, grant funding, enhanced education campaigns, and policy proposals. Much of this work has already begun and will continue throughout the year, including:

  • CTDOT launched a one-year automated work zone speed enforcement project to protect highway workers.
  • CTDOT opened a third solicitation for the state-funded Community Connectivity Grant Program, open to towns and cities across Connecticut. Since 2018, more than 100 grants totaling $38 million have been awarded to help communities build bike lanes, connect sidewalks, and make infrastructure improvements. In 2023, $12 million is available for municipalities to apply for before July 21.
  • CTDOT partnered with three Connecticut municipalities as part of the Complete Streets Academy sponsored by Smart Growth America and the National Complete Streets Coalition to learn about Complete Street best practices, improve cross-jurisdictional coordination, and plan and implement quick-build, temporary demonstration projects on state-owned roads.
  • CTDOT proposed several legislative proposals under consideration in the Connecticut General Assembly, including to authorize the use of automated traffic enforcement devices in Connecticut, to lower the legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) to 0.05%, and to require motorcycle helmets for all riders.

The USDOT Call to Action comes a year after it released the National Roadway Safety Strategy outlining a concrete set of actions USDOT has committed to and adopted the five-pronged Safe System Approach to help reduce roadway fatalities, which includes safer people, safer vehicles, safer speeds, safer roads, and post-crash care, to work towards a goal of zero fatalities.

To learn more about the National Roadway Safety Strategy and view organizations that have also volunteered to commit to action, visit


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