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Safety and Track Improvement Projects on the Hartford Line Result in Two Month Service Changes

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) today announced rail service changes on the Hartford Line (HL) to accommodate two projects that will improve safety and rider experience. The roof replacement on the historic platform canopy in Hartford Union Station consists of improving the canopy roofing and lighting replacement over the passenger boarding platform. Additionally, damaged gutters will be replaced to improve drainage and prevent flooding and standing water. In addition, a slope stabilization project in Windsor involves track work to improve ride quality and includes required maintenance on the communication and signal system for the HL. When these two projects are completed, riders will enjoy a safer and more efficient rail service and infrastructure. The service changes are being implemented to allow the projects to proceed as quickly as possible, as work cannot be done within the right of way while the rail line is active. This will reduce the length of time needed to complete the projects, thereby reducing the cost.

As a result of these projects, substitute bus service will replace most of the Amtrak and CTrail train services on the HL effective Monday, July 18, 2022 through Friday, September 9, 2022. Additionally, HL train service will be replaced by substitute bus service on Friday, September 10, 2022, and Saturday, September 11, 2022, to complete the work on the canopy roof. Train fares will be in effect on the substitute buses. Passengers are required to purchase a CTrail or Amtrak ticket to board the substitute buses. 

A detailed bus schedule will be posted by Friday, July 1, 2022. Bus substituted train station time departures may be earlier than scheduled train time departures and will be posted at as soon as they are available. Buses operated as a substitute for trains will stop at all Hartford Line Stations and passengers will be directed to the bus pick up and drop off location by signage on the platform. 

Passengers are encouraged to visit or for the latest service information. Riders can also sign up to have alerts sent directly to their phone or email at  

The requirement of wearing a mask on public transportation has been lifted and will no longer be enforced on Hartford Line and Shore Line East services and facilities in Connecticut. Per current CDC guidelines, wearing a mask is strongly encouraged. Customers who feel sick should not use public transportation.


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